New world

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Authors Note: Listen while Reading if possible

"Castiel! Castiel!" Deans ran past Cass, down the long corridor. He slowly faded like mist as his image ran down the corridor. "Wait" Cass ran down the hall, his foot steps echoing down the hall. After hours of walking he eventually walked into a small, dim lit room. There was a small door. Adzactly his size. He walked up to the door. "any chance you might be unlocked" To Castiel luck, it was not. "Great" He turned to leave, to see if there was another way out. There before him was a small golden table standing on one leg. Carved in wood, swirling up to the glass plate. On it had a small golden key. "ha, convenient" Castiel walked towards the small table. He placed the small golden key in his hand. Then then tried it on the door. It opened to Castiel's luck. When he opened the door, he did not find Deans room, heaven or Ellen's pub. He found a stone path, all around him were large mushrooms, in assorts of colours, some were blue, red, green and Yellow with white storks. Standing tall, high above Castile's head. "Strange" Castiel look all around him, he noticed that everything was extremely large. The sun glycined through the tall grass. 'I must be so small' He tilted his head on an angle. 'I have neve experience this realm before, What was in the water that Dean gave me? His heart drooped, I have to find Dean and Sam'  

As he was thinking a huge lady bug , 3X Castile's size zoomed, towards him, its long black legs drifting softly, its wings a blur. "Who, Uhhh" Castiel ran behind a yellow toped Mushroom. She zoomed past without glancing at the small Angel. He stepped out from behind the mushroom. "strange, I must be really, really small" 'No point staying hear, I have to find my way home, somehow, back to Dean and Sam' He walked on, his all stars crunched underneath the dirt. Several times Castiel would trip from the twining roots that littered the floor. The sun continues to roll across the sky. Ulong his journey, he saw a trail of smoke, It was of two shades, Blue and green. Swirling in small clouds, floating above his head. Disappearing, but reappearing at a strong point some way in the jungle of grass stems.

He followed the fumes of smoke. The closer he got, he started to smell burnt wood and cinnamon. It was inviting. Castiel walked closer, almost running in hope of finding someone who could answer the dozen questions running through his head. As he pulled away to storks of green grass, he sore a Blue Caterpillar, his many legs draped over the peach coloured mushroom. Smoke swirled around him as he smoked a long wooded pipe, stretching to the grown. His antani drooped a little, as the Caterpillar breathed in to his pipe, small puffs of smoke pooled out from small holes on the side of his body.  Rolling off the edges of the mushroom. Castiel walked towards the mysteries Caterpillar with the long pipe. "Excuse me, um my names-" The Caterpillar oped his yellow eyes, they were old, wise, he knew the world, seen too much. "Castiel, I knew you were coming" He tilted his head. "How could you, We have never met, and I have never been to this world before" The Caterpillar breathed in some more of the Blue and green smoke. "Castiel, do you know who I am"  Castiel blue eyes gleamed in the light, a glimpse of a past memory, Smoke and Ash. The end. But the Caterpillar was not a Caterpillar. "How could I, we have never met" Those yellow eyes blinked, as if they were washing away a memory. "In your world, I am called a Profit"

'A profit, how could a Caterpillar be called a Profit' Castiel  glasses slided down his nose as he looked down at his feet in confusion. "My name is not important to you know, it may later" Castiel head shot up, he slid the fake glasses, back up his nose. "What do you mean?" The Caterpillar blink once more, his wrinkled blues face showed no emotion. "Mushroom, Sit on it" Castiel stared at the Caterpillar. "I don't understand" He took another puff from his pipe and blew. The smell of cinnamon, burnt wood was once again became stronger.   "Sit on the Mushroom, and I will tell you" How was Castiel supposed to get up on a the mushroom, that was across the Caterpillar. He was too small. "How?- oh" Castiel know saw the solution to his idiot problem. Small but big anoth stones littered along the grown. Just to Castile's luck, a small stone was just below the brim of a Red mushroom. He walked over, and began to step up the rock. Using his hands and his feet. He slipped through the process, he looked over at the Caterpillar for assistance. He had put down his pipe, his little arms were crossed and he was tapping on of his many legs on the mushrooms head. 'I guess no help then' Castiel thought. He finally reached the top. He sat cross legged before the Caterpillar. He studied Castiel for a few seconds. Breathed in and said " the mushroom will help make you shorter and Taller" He was thrown back by the comment. "I sorry the mushroom will what" He rolled his yellow eyes, "One side will make you shorter, and the other will make you taller" He blinked. How many Mushrooms did he walk past. Dozens and didn't think.

 Castiel reached for the right side of the head and broke off a bit of the mushroom. It was soft, almost like felt. As he looked closely at it, he noticed that small white dots started to appear on the piece. 'Strange' So he reached for the left side of the Mushroom and broke off a equal amount. Once again small white dots appeared on the piece of Mushroom.

"How am I supposed to know which side does which" The Caterpillar shrugged. "How am I supposed to know, I don't need to be bigger, I am always at the right height, maybe if you tried a little" Castiel jumped off the Mushroom, The Caterpillar watched him closely whilst on top of the Mushroom.  He brought the right side to his pale lips and nibbled the tiniest bit. The piece of mushroom sat on the tip of his tongue. He looked up. The Caterpillar rolled his eyes. "You have to swallow for the mushroom to take it's effect" Castiel swallowed the small piece. He felt his tiny body begin to grow. Then he stoped. Know he was the same height as the mushroom. "Great know I am the size of a fairy" The Caterpillar chuckled the smoke coming out like soft bricks. Castiel grabbed the chunk of Mushroom and chewed, slowly swallowing bit by bit. Tasted the juices of the mushroom, of earth, each and every molecule. "Thank you Caterpillar, this helps a lot" He showed the shrinking Caterpillar. As he grew his trench coat rose to his ankles. He was know the correct height. He was in a forest, the trees stood tall. The leaves turning orange and brown. In small patches the sun streamed through the leaves like golden silk. His clothing felt a little bit tight on his vessels body, his toes slightly squashed but the all stars. So he decided to take them off. As he bent to untie his shoe laces, he could see the tiny blue Caterpillar, the smoke did not swirl around Castiel as it did when he was small, but looked like the smallest of a burnt ember slowing being burnt out.

Once the shoes were off, he dug his toes into the cool earth. The grass was now short and tickled the sides of his bare feet. He found him self standing in a cluster of Mushrooms. He stepped over them, careful not to step on them. He continued his search, of finding Dean and Sam.  

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