Confessions under the moonlight

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"I don't want you to leave,"

Gabe stoped, the woods fell silent.  Only thing that could be heard was the breeze, whistling softly mixed with the sound of branches and leaves brushing up against one another. He turned to face to taller Winchester. Now sitting up on the forest floor. "I'm not good, when it comes to feelings, or becoming close to someone" Gabriel blinked. Is he?-  "I'm actually really bad when it comes to getting to know someone new, and becoming close to them. That's why I stay close to Dean, after Jess, I just. didn't want to get hurt again" Sam averted his eyes away from the trickster. "and you turning up all the time, then leaving again. It gets confusing" Gabe stared at the younger Winchester. WHAT ARE YOU SAING SAM? "I'm sorrySam's continued to look at the floor, still holding onto the angels wrist. Gabriel smiled to himself. He moved and sat next to the younger Winchester. 'Same love, and War'  There fingers slowly linked. Sam smiled to him self at the simple act. I guess I really do like Gabriel. " I like you Gabriel, just bear with me. I'm not good with relationships. The last time I got close to someone, they went up in flames" (To cruel? GUYS I COULDN'T RESIT. I'm SORRY) Gabriel nodded. Remembering the memory of Jess's death. "She's in heaven, you know. She's waiting for you" Sam smiled softly and turned his face to the starry night sky."Yere, I know that she would want me to be happy"

Sam squeezed Gabe's hand softly. "Are you lonely?" Gabriel was thrown off by the sudden question. "Sometimes, Everyone thinks its hoy joy up in heaven, all the angels are happy, partying with Dad. But its not like that at all. Us angels, we- we are all alone. Going on missions, quest, finding humans who will *Makes quotation marks with fingers* be great one day. So yes Sam, us angels are lonely. It's worse for me, because I cut myself off from my brothers and sister's" Sam nodded. Understanding the feeling of being cut off from what little family you have. "Is John in heaven?" Gabe's face hardened. He wanted to tell him that he's with Mary, watching over there two sons. How could he tell him that he was still on trial. He's technically in heaven. So it's not a complete lie. "Yere" Sam smiled softly. "He wasn't the best dad, but he meant well" Gabriel winced at the thought. Sam should not have had learned how to shoot at such a young age. He just wanted to play soccer. " You know what they say right. God only puts us through what we can handle" Gabe smiled softly. He wanted to say, Yere since when. You and your brother have been through too much, too much for a normal human to handle but he just couldn't.

He could take down that smile, that smile when he told him the John was up in heaven, that smile when he was told that Jess is waiting for him. He couldn't do it. He just wanted Sam to be happy. "I love you Gabe" Gabriel smiled. "Really?" Sam turned to the shorter angel. "Yere I really do" Gabriel pulled the younger Winchester in for a hug. They held each other close. One thing went through Gabriel head over and over. The same words that Castiel had repeated. The same description the tree's had given.

"soul of pure light, taken, broken, restored"

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