Chapter Seven- Strange Scent

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Author's Note:

This is going to be the last chapter of THIS story. But don't worry! Omen City: Broken Walls is going to be posted right after this is posted and after I update the next chapter for Castle Of Stone, now Book Two for Omen City will be tied directly to Castle Of Stone and I will put myself on a more strict schedule of updating them both at once. 

  If you are wondering why Book One was so short, mostly because I already took time in Castle Of Glass to introduce most of the main characters (in the main book series and ones that are not) so I found that if I put too much into this first 'book' that it would become repetitive and uninteresting when we could head straight into the Book Two. I hope you all enjoy it and continue to follow its story!

Without further rambling, Chapter Seven! 



"Because its true, isn't it?" There was hardly a second thought to his question, Cera knew she could never be with anyone else. No matter what she was told, she knew how she felt for Nathan.

"You know it is." Cera whispered gently. Each of them couldn't look away from each other, the only thing breaking their eye contact was when their eyes closed as their lips touched into a passionate kiss.

In that moment, everything felt perfect. It felt as if nothing and no one could come between them...

Unfortunately, not everyone would realize how false this feeling would become.


Chapter Seven-  Strange Scent


  The walk from the beach for the young couple was different than before. Everything was silent, far too silent to comfort them. Nathan could easily see that this made Cera uneasy and took her hand in his as they walked, he felt her squeeze his hand tightly, causing him to look around them.

  There were many things that they should make them worried. Enemies of course, but when enemies were near they could usually be sensed, yet nothing aside from animals could around them now. 

As Nathan turned towards Cera, he felt multiple, from what he could only believe to be sharp claws, puncture his back. The being behind him, pulled him backwards from Cera and flung him against the nearest tree, causing a sharp and sudden scream of surprise and fear to leave Cera's lips.

  The ordeal of seeing her Father once again was far beyond words for her to describe. She hated the man, she hated how ignorant she had been to allow him near her child. She hated how, in so many ways he made it clear to point out his expectations of his 'family', when she knew full well he cared for nothing but the possible experimental data he could earn from them.

  Little mattered in the attempt to calm her down, as soon as they had returned to Forks, Serena felt the anger flood through her system, taking over as if it was a sickness. 

  Alistair was not blind to this, with one glance to her he could see her face had become a slight tint of red, her heart was beating faster and her breath had picked up slightly to indicate her rage. He thought it best to stay silent, however he knew this was far from over, then again it didn't take much to see that either.

  As the car pulled up into the driveway of Serena's home, there was a small sense of dread that pushed over Serena in large waves. The lights were off in the house, there was no sign of anyone being home. She figured, Cera was with Nathan or by now, they had went to Renesmee and Jacob's home, but still she had began dialing her daughters phone and had quickly placed it against her ear. 

  "Serena...?" Alistair looked at her in concern, he listened closely to the ringing however, there was no answer. Serena tried to call again, but still there was nothing. Her next call was to Renesmee, to see if they were there, she hoped that they were there. But when Renesmee answered, she had easily got her answer without having to say a word.

  "Nathan?" Renesmee's tone held a concern of her own, causing Serena's heart to drop in her chest. 

  "Is Cera with you...?" She asked, getting out of the car in a blur and searching for the scent of her daughter. 

  "No.. Jacob and I are looking for them now. Are you at home?" Before Serena could properly answer, the loud scream of Cera reached her ears, causing her to fall down to her knees.

  "Ser-" Alistair followed in the movement, his hands pressing tightly against his ears after he had left his position in the car, although they could not see, Renesmee and even Jacob were affected by this as they both had stopped, nearly falling to the ground with their ears covered in a poor attempt to protect their ears.

  Cracks formed in Alistair's neck while blood slowly dripped from Serena's ears, as the scream died out, it only took her a moment to shake her head from how the scream had dazed her, and then she was running in its direction.

  Multiple scents began attacking her all at once. There was another there, one that was similar yet still a stranger to her. The closer she got to them, the stronger the strange scent became until she realized who it was.

  As she broke through the tree line, she froze in her tracks, eyes going wide as she saw....


     Author's Note:

  Forgive me, but who doesn't love a cliff hanger? Omen City: The Lost Hybrids (Book Two) will be posted tonight! 

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