Chapter Six- Fear No Man

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  She stopped short in the middle of the alley as she saw the figure of a man, standing from a freshly hunted human who lay on the cold ground, unmoving. There was a sick sounding hiss that left the shadowed figure of the man, no doubt him catching her scent. "Serena...." His voice was as a rasp, she could almost hear the smile that she was certain would be upon his face. 

  Alistair was quick to grab her hand in his, standing close by to her to protect her if need be. It was more helpful to her than he would have known as she squeezed his hand in return. Gaining all the courage she could muster, she quietly replied easily to the dark figure before them.

  "..........Hello Father."



  Chapter Six- Fear No Man


  Joham turned around, the long black coat he wore turned with him. The end of it almost covered the humans body that he had been feeding from, almost as if it had its own motives to hide the body.

  But it little mattered, Serena could smell the stench of the blood, let alone briefly see the way her Father cleaned his mouth upon his sleeve. "Its been a long time, Serena. Tell me, how is my Granddaughter? I assume she's become better than her Father." Joham spoke with disgust over the word 'father'. He hated that Cera's father was a wolf, he would hae preferred if it had been a human, even though it would have given him less interests for new possibilities on his tests. As much as he hated the wolf, he couldn't deny that Cera being a result of the different creatures was fascinating.

  "I am not here to discuss my daughter. You know full well she is no longer your concern, you gave up that right when you-"

  "When I gave her venom. Yes, yes. She did not die, Serena. Frankly, if it were not for me, you would not know of her.. weakness. In the long run I believe I saved her, showing you the weakness that her filth of a father passed onto her. If you gave me time with her, I could help her." A slow smile passed along his face, his having cut into the middle of Serena's words bothered him little even though he could tell how angry it made his daughter. "I could help those symptoms become less for her, is that not what you want? For your daughter to be in less pain? To not burn alive for as long as a human would?" Joham simply raised his eyebrows in question. 

  The entire time he had kept his eyes upon Serena, but now he was becoming aware of the vampire presence that stood directly behind her. He noticed the way in which they held one anothers hand, how the man was glaring at him. But this only made Joham amused, he could not help but to look back to Serena with a large smile. "But I see you have made an upgrade since her Father."

  Serena's eyes narrowed into slits. She had had enough of his unamusing 'charm', his countless ridicule of Cera's Father, pushed her farther over the edge as much as the sarcasm throughout his entire words. "That is enough. You have credited yourself far too much, you could have killed her and you treat it as if it was nothing! She is my daughter, not yours. She is nothing to you, just as you are nothing to me. You are not to step foot in Forks, if you do I will have no problem having her Father and her Godfather, bringing all the wolves after you. Am I clear?"

  Serena's voice did not shake once. She spoke firmly, unblinking as she watched him with her eyes almost glaring at him. But to her surprise, he only smiled at her and then a snicker left him. This only added to her anger, causing her to squeeze Alistair's hand tightly in hers. 

  "Oh yes, you are clear. Whether I listen or not is yet to be seen. You and I both know I fear no man or dog. But for now I will rest your mind that I have no interest in coming to Forks... yet." Joham shrugged his shoulders, tilting his head in Serena's direction. 

  She started to take a step forward, but felt Alistair's arm slip around her waist, holding her in place with him. She did not understand why, but it was all that was keeping her calm. And for now, she decided it was best to stay with him instead of doing the most irrational thing... which would be attacking her Father. 

  "Run along, Serena. I'm sure Cera will be waiting for her Mother. Give her my best, I only hope she doesn't follow in her Mother's footsteps on choices of men." Joham could not help but smile, making another clear comment of his dislike for wolves. Without waiting for Serena's reaction, he turned away from her and walked. 

  "He... that..." Serena at once saw red, lunging forward in a complete moment of forgetting about the arm around her. She was pulled back at once, Alistair backing out of the alley with her quickly.

  "Alistair let me go!" She growled, surprisingly saying it quietly enough so humans would not look to them. 

  "No, Serena. Its what he is counting on, for you to have an outburst. Let him see he cannot bring that out of you, it may only give him more reasons to continue seeing how far he can push you." His voice spoken softly in her ear, causing her almost at once to calm down. He was right, she couldn't allow herself to have the reactions that her Father wished her to have.

  Serena turned around in his arms and at once hid her face against his chest. "I hate him, Alistair..." 

  Alistair glanced down at her, only to look back in the direction in which Joham had left them from, shaking his head. "I think I do as well, Serena."


  Cera ran her fingers through the sand while she lay against the beach towel. She looked around, seeing Nathan coming to her which caused the smile to spread across her face. "There's my girl." 

  She couldn't help but laugh, rolling onto her back with the fit of her laughter. "You always say that, Nathan.." Cera tilted her head casually, unable to break her smile. Nathan on the other hand, was now resting beside her, unable to take his eyes from her face. His hand was now against her cheek, feeling her skin heaten from the blush that filled her cheeks.

  "Because its true, isn't it?" There was hardly a second thought to his question, Cera knew she could never be with anyone else. No matter what she was told, she knew how she felt for Nathan. 

  "You know it is." Cera whispered gently. Each of them couldn't look away from each other, the only thing breaking their eye contact was when their eyes closed as their lips touched into a passionate kiss.

  In that moment, everything felt perfect. It felt as if nothing and no one could come between them...

  Unfortunately, not everyone would realize how false this feeling would become.


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