Chapter Five- Hello Father

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  Her Father was an ambitious, lust filled for power kind of man who at the same time, lusted for knowledge about anything that caught his curiosity. It was a dangerous combination, especially when he learned he could mix his scientific studies with the occult. 

  The silence in the room stretched on, but neither knew of anything else to say. Renesmee could tell that anything she said would not change the thought of this from Serena's mind and Serena knew nothing she said would change the mind of Renesmee. They would have to agree to disagree at this moment, but at least Renesmee could tell Jacob of the possible danger as well as her family.

  If there was anything Renesmee knew all too well, was that there was strength in numbers.



  Chapter Five- Hello Father


  "Then... be careful." Renesmee decided she would keep her thoughts to herself. This wasn't a time to cause more stress nor was it a time to add to the fear that she could see stretched over Serena. There was slight relief that could be noticed on her face at this moment. But Renesmee still did not agree with any of this. She sometimes wondered what she would do if she was in Serena's position, although she could never picture her father being a monster. 

  Nor could she imagine what it must have been like to have been raised by a man who could easily seem so heartless. Who could condemn a human to carry her child, a child of a vampire of all things, that creates them as a hybrid! Quite knowing that it would kill the mother. If he had not known before Serena's mother, then he especially knew after. But that did not stop him in putting three more women through the same fates. 

  "I should go now." Serena's voice snapped Renesmee out of her thoughts, causing her to blink multiple times. 

  "Alright.. if there is anything that we can do, please tell us." Renesmee offered the best smile that she could to Serena, who returned the gesture with the smallest smile she could manage.

  "Thank you.. but I can handle this. I believe Cera will be out with Nathan this evening, if I'm not back before tonight is it alright that she stays here?" Serena always found herself so used to asking these questions. Even though many have told her it was no issue, especially Renesmee. 

  Who at this moment, just sent her the silliest look. "Haven't I said don't worry about asking? Of course she can! You know I don't mind it." Renesmee simply smiled this time, causing a little laugh to leave Serena. With a step forward, the two hybrids hugged one another possibly a little tighter than they should have. "Please be safe." Renesmee couldn't speak louder if she had wanted to. It was too natural for her to worry about her friends, especially ones who felt like her family.

  "I will." Serena stepped back, taking a deep breath. As she left, she wondered if she made the right choice. But even if she hadn't, it could not be changed now. She returned home in a quick haste, as she walked into the door, she saw Cera coming downstairs. 

  "Oh! Hi Sweetie." She smiled slowly as she saw Cera look up. 

  "Hey Mom, I was headed to meet Nathan at the beach." Cera was holding a bag close to her, the strap over her shoulder as she wore a simple sun dress that no doubt covered her swim suit. The Beach was always a place that her and Nathan went, it was a favorite place for them. Especially the cliffs, they had always cliff dived with one another as soon as they grew old enough and as much as it was a favorite spot, it was also special. 

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