chapter 3

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4,000 chaos years later(4 earth years)

Warpaths P.O.V

After years of training with Chaos, I became unbeatable, and learned most of the universes languages. I improved my fighting skills in every way possible. I am a trained expert at every type of know weapon. I am able to run at incredible speeds, my senses are a thousand times sharper. I learnt more about my own powers and have also been giving new powers by Chaos' blessing. With Chaos' blessing, I was given power over all elements, and when I mean all, I really mean all. Since after all, Chaos did create EVERYTHING. But I rarely use any of my powers. I mainly use my speed, strength, agility, and stealth to complete my objective. I am given a target, and my only job is to eliminate that target. Neutralize the threat. The words "mercy" or "forgiveness" are not in my vocabulary. I am currently credited with over 600 assassinations. I am cold, calculating, ruthless, and brutal with my kills. My job is to take out the worst of the worst. The real intergalactic Hitler type of bad guys. And I never miss.

I have just returned from a recent mission where I had to take out a power hungry warlord from planet 43927 in Sector 6. He was guilty of slave trading, human trafficking(well not exactly human but you know what I mean), and mass-murder. One of his most revolting offenses that he committed was ordering his troops to go to a nearby village, heat their blades till' they were scolding hot and then hack all the children's limbs off. Then decapitate them along with the adult men. Of course he would keep the women around for awhile to serve him or his loyal soldiers. That sickened me to no end. My orders weren't to slaughter his troops, but I did it anyway just for fun. In my eyes, they were just as equally guilty as he was. He cried and begged and pleaded for me not to kill him. For mercy. He even tried to bribe me with gold and other precious objects of value throughout other planets in the galaxy. I've heard it all before. The only mercy he received was a bullet in the head.

"Ah Warpath, how was your mission?" Chaos asked. "A success as usually." I said, still carrying the dead warlords decapitated head. (Forgot to mention that I'm required to bring home proof of success for every mission. Ya know the old saying, Trust but Verify)

"That's my boy" he said proudly.

"I have your next mission" he said hesitantly. "and your not going to like it" he continued.

I sighed. "Well lets hear it." I replied.

"Back on earth, a war is brewing. Kronos has reformed along with the other Titans. They have also found a way to reawaken Gaea who is also in league with the giants. I fear this is a battle Olympus cannot win on its own. If the Titans and giants succeed, the world will be plunged into darkness. Civilization on earth will be completely and utterly eradicated. Therefore I am sending you along with Alpha, Beta, and Omega company to assist them in the upcoming war." he finished.

I was furious.

"I was a warrior before you found me. You taught me to forget those ways. To become an assassin, not a soldier. Now you want me to forget everything you've instilled in me for the past 4 thousand years, and go back to my ways before?!" I asked in disbelief.

"You can't expect me to just do that. I'm not that person anymore. I'm a killer now. An Assassin. Not a soldier or a hero." I said. "You can't expect me to just turn it off or turn it back on again. Thats not who I am anymore. You taught me to be independent. To not rely on anyone but myself. I terminate targets, not fight by anybody's side. And now you want me to wade into a war?" I asked.

"Also, you promised me that I would never have to return to that place. You know what they did to me." I pleaded.

But as you would expect, arguing with the creator of the universe is futile. Plus, he practically adopted me. He has such pride and love for me like a father would have.

"I'm sorry my boy, but I would not ask this of you if it was not absolutely necessary." he said apologetically.

Exasperated, I gave in.

"Fine." I said begrudgingly.

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