Chapter 8

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Then it ended.

The surroundings turned back to normal and everyone was once again in the council room.

No one's P.O.V.

Everything was silent. Nobody said a word; probably because there was nothing left to say. Stoic faces were displayed throughout the council. Tears dripped down the faces of most of the Olympians and demigods present, save Bryce of course. Too proud was the arrogant son of Poseidon to let the fate of his half brother whom he never cared for break his cocky disposition. He just smiled and pondered on how pathetic everyone else was for caring this much for his loser of a sibling. He never cared for any of Percy's friends. He never yearned for praise from his and Percy's father. He never wanted to pursue a relationship with Annabeth. To be honest, he thought she was the most annoying girl he's ever dealt with. She was always spouting off useless architectural information and acting like a know it all. When that happened, he gave her mouth something else to do rather than talk. He'll admit she is kind of cute, but not even a fraction as hot as some of the Aphrodite babes in camp. The only thing she was good for was shattering Percy's heart like no other could. All he cared about was taking everything of importance to him. He needed to, for one simple reason: power. Once the most powerful demigod in camp is reduced to a sniveling loser, everyone will look to his replacement and then finally he can take over this camp. It hadn't taken 3 months and he had almost the entire camp worshiping the very ground he walked on. He was running the place. Everyone forgot about Percy Jackson.

Needless to say, after he cheated on his little 'Athena fangirl' with a hot Aphrodite chick, his control over the camp waned a little. His ill-gotten "friends" began to hate him more as they realized what he had done. Not to worry though, he still hand plenty of loyal followers and had some Ares camper muscle to back him up. But now for the most part, the camp has just accepted that they have to live with him since

a) He is still a camper just like them and cannot be kicked out of camp no matter how much some people dislike him.

b) He is the son of one of the big three, and so as an extension, is one of the most powerful demigods at camp.

c) Since his demigod scent as one of the big three is significantly stronger than others, he would attract more monsters, and he would be in more danger. They would be sending him to his inevitable death because he would never be safe anywhere without the protection of the camp's barrier.

Chaos' P.O.V.

If the distraught looks shared by the attendants of the meeting are any indication, this meeting is over.

I give a glance at Warpath. He has an amused glint in his eyes as he still leans against the wall arms crossed in a relaxed manner. I take it he approves.

"My condolences." I say to break the silence.

"Well if that is all, then this meeting is adjourned. Warpath will take over from here." receiving a nod in return from Warpath, I summon a portal and leave.

Warpath's P.O.V.

"Wow." I thought.

"and I thought Zeus was a drama queen. I can't believe Chaos fabricated that whole thing. He made it looked so real...and sort of extreme. Although, it did have the desired effect."

I looked around the room and saw everyone's heads lowered in shame. My father just sat in his chair gripping his trident like a life line and stared into space. His eyes seemed dead and he wore a haunted look on his face. Multiple people were bawling their eyes out, but the worst was Annabeth.

Annabeth was a sobbing mess. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look more miserable in my entire life. Her whole body was shaking as she sobbed into her hands. She was wailing like a crazy person. She just kept mumbling through her cries "No" over and over again. It actually hurt my heart to see her like this. I mean, it would have, if my heart wasn't already shattered a long time ago. Now it only functions as an vital organ for me. But still, it kind of killed my mood.

Percy Jackson the Betrayed and forgotten BEING ADOPTEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon