Chapter 5

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Ughhh I can't believe I haven't updated in so long but here is the new chapter hope you like it

Thalia's P.O.V.

The walk back to camp from the Empire State Building with The Hunters was dead quiet. Nobody really knew what to say. The highlight of the meeting was getting to see Chaos put that asshole Bryce in his place. He's even stupider then I realized; talking back to the Creator of the Universe like that. Even Percy wasn't that stupid. Gods I miss you, Kelphead. An amazing thought brought a smile to my face. Maybe Chaos knows where Percy is! He has to know! He's the Creator of EVERYTHING. I quickened my pace. I've got to tell the others!

Artemis' P.O.V.

That meeting was a lot to take in. I can't believe the gall of the insect; addressing the Creator in such a way. I grow irritated of him and his advances towards my Hunters. Ughh I wish father would just allow me to turn that brat into an antelope already. He deserves it, for completely destroying the life of the only good honorable man I have ever known. Oh Perseus...

Chaos' P.O.V.

It is time. "Warpath." He turned his head towards me. "It's time to go." He grimaced, then he got that mischievous glint in his eyes that I know all too well. "Let the soldiers go first. You know how I like to make an entrance." he smirked. "Besides, we wanna make a good first impression now don't we?". Oh dear.

Camp Olympus

:Somewhere outside Camp's Barrier

Random Camper's P.O.V.

I cant believe I got stuck on patrol duty! My feet are killing me. My friends and I have been patrolling camp's border for the past 4 hours. Chiron told us that we should be expecting company soon. But he didn't tell us what to expect. Maybe he didn't even know himself. All of a sudden we heard what sounded like thunder only ten times as loud. It came from a clearing up a couple meters ahead. Me and the rest of the patrol quickly approached, weapons raised and ready to strike. What I saw, I don't think I'll ever forget. There in the field stood hundreds of soldiers clad in black armor with the Chaos insignia emblazoned on the each shoulder. Some carried swords, spears, and bow and arrows, while others carried handguns, machine guns, and rifles. Everything was completely still. Not one of them moved out of formation, if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought that they were just mannequins or toy soldiers; just waiting to be wound up and set loose.

In one swift movement, the whole army parted like the Red Sea and split straight through the middle. Out of it, came a man dressed in black and silver armor. The man started walking towards us with purpose in his step. Each soldier he passed stood at attention. It was obvious that he was the one in charge of this army. His black helmet, like the rest of the army's, obscured his face so that we could not make out his facial features; even up close. We he got to us, he asked

"Is this the demigod camp known as Camp Olympus?"

We all nodded still in awe of the sight before us.

"W-Who a-are you?" I asked while trying to keep my bearings and at the same time sound at least a bit confident and intimidating.

He simply smirked (I think?) and stated proudly "We are the Army of Chaos, by the order of Lord Chaos, The Creator of All, we have been sent to help aid Olympus in it's upcoming war."

"I am the commander of Lord Chaos' Army. You may address me as Commander or Sir."

He waited as if he was expecting something to happen.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to invite us in?" he asked slightly amused.

We snapped out of it quickly and asked them to please follow us.

Percy Jackson the Betrayed and forgotten BEING ADOPTEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora