Merry Christmas

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Third Day before Christmas

Andrew bought me an expensive bracelet and Nicole bought me an expensive necklace. Well, me being very nice and going all out on my friends, bought Rex, Nicole, and Andrew this new ride called an Hover board. It is very expensive but again being me will go all out on my friends. Rojer got me roses and a bracelet with my initials on it. He said it's my Christmas present because he is going to Paris for Christmas. Synthesized ( high point of an argument / list of reasons) he defeated me on where I was going for Christmas. I wanted to go to Florida but I'm going to Mississippi to visit my sister. Which I respect, its family, it's always good to spend some time with your family. Again, my present to him was a hover board. I know you might be saying these hover boards are really expensive and your not able to afford one and how did you get the money/afford it. First of all, yes, I know they are expensive but I won four of them on a contest and my Dad bought one for me. Super lucky girl.

Second Day Before Christmas

Today, Nicole and Andrew came to my house and we just hanged out and told them what's going on in my life. You know already, I am just keeping them up to date. But anyway when they left I went to Adam's house and you won't believe who I saw there even though for me it's completely. It was James, remember, the boy who cheated on me. It was the second day before Christmas and I wasn't going to start something. So, as my model says a way to defeat your enemies is with a smile. I did so. He acted like he was so surprised to see me. Anyway, Adam's mom gave us eggnog and we were playing this video game that I can't seem to remember right at the second. I don't know if you seen that picture with the girlfriend and boyfriend are sitting together and then the friend is like to feet away and the boyfriend and the girl's best friend are holding hands behind the girlfriends back. It is sort of the same thing except James tried holding my hand. Try and guess what I do with his hand. Hey! I didn't do anything bad I just hit him on the head I don't think he knows that me and Adam are in a relationship technically or not but you know. Let's just cut to the facts Adam got up and he needed to use the restroom. So he left and James and I started talking. He kept begging me to come back to him. Yes I am that attractive. And I told him straight up that I wasn't going to date him anymore what he did was wrong and he knew what he did was wrong. If he knew he was feeling like that he could have came and talked to me. I know I'm just taking this little mistake too far but come on now, its common sense. I felt really bad talking to him like that so I gave him a hug and told him that I'm sorry but its the truth. And he said that's okay. He said there is plenty of other people who is exactly like me. First of all, I don't even know if that was a compliment or an insult. I don't know if I should say thank you or what you just say to me. But anyway, I told him there is plenty of other guys who would treat me with respect then you. I feel really bad talking to him that way but he needs to know the truth. Adam came back and we continued playing the game until it's time for me to leave. Then we all went our separate ways.


Well it's Christmas and I have arrived to Mississippi. It's been a long time since I see my sister, Zoey, I saw her when I was 7 years old. And now I'm 12 turning 13 in February. So me and my sister got to spend more time with each other we went shopping and gave each other presents and got to know each other better. It's a pity that I'm leaving tomorrow I really enjoyed today. Well I'm leaving in the afternoon so I still have some time. Zoe told me that she will come and visit me in the summer I just have to let her know when it's a good time. Today was fun I'm very happy that I got to me and see my sister once more.

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