Don't leave me!

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Today I am running as president of the 8th grade class. I ran last year but I didn't win which was okay. I thought it was because I sounded more of a lawyer than myself. What can I say my dad help me write it. But this year I wrote my own speech. And just be me. Instead of trying to be someone else. Suprisingly I won that election by being me, creating my own speech and expressing my feelings about being president. I know it is going ti be a challenge and a lot of work but I am willing to take that challenge.


Today Roger graduates from 8th grade and becomes a freshman at his high school. I'm happy and sad at the same time. When the graduation was over and he went outside to take pictures. We walked out of the church, to the side and he hugged me and said everything will be okay. I don't know how he knew I was sad but I bursted out in tears. I said "Please, don't forget me." He said, " I won't, you are always in my heart." We hugged once more and he kissed me goodbye. Every since then I have been feeling empty inside but I see him on Saturday's and sometimes school days. Adam remained single, I realized that I don't need someone to make me feel special on the inside. I just need my encouragement and positivity.

Ah man, it's over, or maybe not what happens in 8th grade? No one knows except for me! If you like my book please comment and like and remember to keep reading, no one can stop you from reading!
Love u all!

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