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My life begins with a lot an I mean a lot gossip like how I had a boyfriend and we kissed and stuff like that so... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself , my name is Megan and I am in the 7th grade "I not going to let any thing go" class. LOL , but really. So, anyways, last summer when I was in 6th grade going to 7th. My friends and Jasmin, Christina, Bell, Isac, Brandon and my best friend Rex went to summer school with me. At that time I was dating this boy name James. He used to go to my school but he left.

Every one started to notice that we were dating when we were in 4th and 5th grade we never left each others side, we held hands, but then when he left we still dated. So, anyway back to the present, I told my friend Jasmin about what happened and what I am doing. You must be wondering what happened. Well, stay put we are going on a long flash back. Picture this...

James isn't all good looking as you think he is. He's okay. First of all he used to like me and I used to hate him and he drew me into his little love trap. One day, at school, we had to go to the library as we were told and pick out books. Hey! Don't judge want I am about to tell you!!! I was only in 4th grade. So, I was sitting by him (a little advice for all you girls out there; never and I mean never sit by a boy that likes you even though they don't admite it.) So, I was sitting by him and he was standing on his knees in the chair and I moved my head and he kissed me on the forehead. But remember this was no accident when he did that to me he looked at me and smiled but to me his smile was creapy. So when we went out to lunch recess and I finished my lunch he called me over and asked me......

(Find out more in the next chapter)

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