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Well, we all agree that the carnival went well. Thank god my boyfriend my other boyfriend didn't find out that I'm kind of cheating on them. Plus I have more gossip news for you. To be honest I like someone else other than Adam. His name is Chase. Chase has muscles and he works out a lot he is very athletic and he is a gentleman like Roger but behind that he's going through a lot of difficulties in his life. His parents are divorced and his mom got remarried and his cousin past and he's always sad. I sit right beside him in class. That's why everytime that I see that he is sad I always try and find something to say to make me laugh. I feel really bad for him, but I love how he's taking it all so strong if I were him I know I wouldn't be able to be as strong as he is. For Thanksgiving, we had a class party and we had Chipotle. Well, my friends and I joined our tables together and pretended like we were having a family meal. My teacher said that when were finish with our meals we can go to the 8th and 6th grade and interact with them only if the teachers allow us to go in. Well when we were done with our family meal I decided to go and visit my friends in the sixth grade. I told him what happened what they're my friends sorry besties and I tell them everything. The reaction was good luck with that and come to me for advice or any more details. I love how people do this to me but that's why I love them. After that I went to the 8th grade and visited my boyfriend. They are watching a movie so his teacher allowed me to come inside the classroom they were watching a horror movie. I found most to be funny and a little portion of the movie to be scary. To be honest, Roger were hardly paying attention to a movie. We were doing what all other couples do, picking off each others plates, and cuddling and all that. I do not need to go into details. It was also funny to when his teacher was looking at us and we stopped a few times and continued once more. I love Rojer, as I said before he is so cute and adorable. What I forgot was my classmates, yes, they found out. I looked at Adam he seemes disappointed and mad. I was so in trobble now. He thought I was going to cuddle with him instead of Rojer. Plus, he was made when I told him that we were dating. I told him that it was only for this year and that he will be graduating next year and I will be all his. I was surprised, he actually accepted it. So for the first time in my life I was free from Adam. I actually like Roger more than Adam I think Adam is more of a control freak then Roger but again I haven't took the time to get to know Adam.


Well, today I got to go to Rogers house because he invited me for Thanksgiving dinner. So, I went over to his house and his house is beautiful it's like a palace it is so clean and nice and including his room. I never really expected his room to be clean, I usually expect boys rooms to be all nasty with all their clothes and paperwork on the floor. But his was crystal clean I'm a very lucky girl. Well, we arrived at his house early so he took me on a tour to his house he has a swimming pool. So he took me up to his room my mom told me to bring my homework so I can kill time while I was there. Half the time we were doing her homework and the other half we were cuddling. Then after that we really started to get some work done because we wanted to finish our homework so that we have time to spare. So, we finished our homework and we were playing a game, a video game, and all of a sudden he stopped the game and he looked at me and I know it was not one of his happy looks it was one of those sad and depressing looks. I asked him what's wrong and he said to me that he has been thinking about high school and he said he didn't want to lose me and I found that to be very cute. But he said heal the altar serving at the school they are and he'll be coming to visit and he wants me when I graduate from 8th grade to go to the same school with him. I was much obliged to go to the same school with him. But as I started to smile a tear ran down from his eye. I told him he did not need to go I'm going to come and shadow the school and I told him that is far away he doesn't need to beat himself down about this. And he started to cry. I have never seen him cry before seen him cry made me cry. He said I don't want to lose you. In the words of James Hudson remember my ex boyfriend. Instead I felt that he really meant it. I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek and tell him there's nothing to worry about but if I'm not there physically I will be with you every step of the way. His response was that is why I love you. Then I started to get leader and we finished our Thanksgiving dinner and we kiss each other goodbye. As I was leaving I still could see that he was sad so I ran up to him and give him a hug and told him there's nothing to worry about but I'm here.

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