Don't You Dream Impossible Things

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Taylor's POV

It was the next day, and Taylor had woken up earlier than usual. Her head was pounding and her stomach felt like an ocean was churning inside it. She headed downstairs and started rummaging through the cabinets for something that would help ease the pain. She downed her Advil with a full glass of water and headed back upstairs.

Lily had said she would have to leave early that morning for a shoot, and it seemed she was already gone. Taylor peaked into her bedroom where Karlie had ended up last night, since the other guest rooms weren't completed yet. Taylor hadn't minded sharing a bed with Karlie, although it was giving her some confusing feelings. "I can't be falling in love with her," Taylor thought.

The last time Taylor had fallen for a girl, things ended horribly. Diana, Taylor's previous and only girlfriend, had completely broken her heart, and Taylor wasn't sure if she was ready to put herself back out there again. Her brain was telling her that she had only known Karlie for a night, but her heart was reminding her that she had been writing songs about her green eyes for years. Taylor felt like there was a war going on inside her, and she couldn't stand it.

Suddenly, something on the bed moved. There was what appeared to be a lump tangled up in her sheets that was trying to free itself. As Karlie appeared from her cocoon of blankets, Taylor couldn't help but giggle. "Someone looks like they had a rough night," Taylor chuckled. Karlie's head was at the opposite end of the bed and she was trying to figure out how she had gotten there. "Well you don't look too hot yourself," Karlie retorted. It was those same quick remarks that Taylor had fallen in love with all those years ago. "No, not in love. I think they're funny. I don't love them. If I loved them that would mean i love her," the internal struggle still going on in Taylor's mind. "What do you say you get dressed and we go out for brunch since it's already eleven o'clock," Taylor said. "Sounds good, and after I can show you around some of my favorite places in the city," Karlie agreed.

They both got up and took showers and Taylor let Karlie borrow some of her clothes. They were getting ready to head out the door, so Taylor texted the head of her security team to let them know to meet them down front. "Do you mind if I pick the restaurant?" Karlie asked "I know the perfect little cafe down on Greenwich Street." "Of course, just give the address to the driver so he can get us there," Taylor seemed more than happy to be going to one of Karlie's favorite places.

Karlie's POV

Karlie gave the driver the address to the cafe as she ducked into the car. There were paparazzi everywhere, waiting for their chance to get a shot of Taylor leaving her apartment. It was a little overwhelming. Karlie had never had to deal with the press like this before. Sure, a few photographers followed her during fashion week, but it was nothing to this degree. "Sorry about all this," Taylor said. "Don't worry about it, Tay," Karlie said reassuringly "I know you can't help it." Karlie wanted their day out to be perfect, so she tried her best to cheer Taylor up by wiggling her eyebrows. Taylor giggled and started blushing. "Damn, she's cute when she blushes," Karlie thought. She hadn't ever noticed such little things about anyone before. "What are you talking about Karlie, you have a boyfriend," she scolded herself.

The two arrived at Kaffe 1668 and went in. Once they were inside, some of the paparazzi started to thin out. "This is one of my favorite places in the city. When I first moved here, this was the first cafe I actually visited, and I loved it so much I just keep coming back," Karlie said. "I'm going to save my true judgement for when we actually get our food," Taylor commented. They both ordered and started talking away, the conversation not going too far into anything deep.

"So Karlie," Taylor started, "is there a special man in your life?" Taylor overtly tried putting emphasis on the words special man and then tried wiggling her eyebrows as she had seen Karlie do before. The failed attempt made Karlie laugh. "I think you should leave the eyebrow thing to me," she jested "but yes I do, his name is Josh." Karlie seemed less than enthused to be talking about him. "And are you happy with him?" Taylor questioned, a look of concern on her face. "I don't know, why do you ask?" Karlie wasn't too sure if she wanted to talk about him or not. "Well normally, when I ask my friends about their boyfriends, they start gushing and can't keep a smile off their face, but you just seemed a little... tired," Taylor answered. "I don't know Taylor, it just seems like the sparks gone, you know? Like I love him, I know that, but I don't think I'm in love with him anymore. It seems like all of that ended a while ago," Karlie was glad to finally be able to talk about it with someone. "I get that, Karlie. I really do. You fall into routine and you think you're happy until someone asks you if you are, and when you really start to think about it, you realize you aren't," Taylor sounded so wise while she was talking. "But if there's one thing I've learned about love, it's that if you're not happy, get out. You have to learn to put yourself first sometimes or you won't ever find true happiness." Karlie couldn't get over how knowledgeable Taylor sounded. "I think that's the best advice I've ever gotten," Karlie said. She had finally made her decision.

"Why don't I take you on a little tour around the city," Karlie said after the two had finished eating. "Sounds great!" Taylor exclaimed. They both got into the car that was waiting out front for them and off they went. "So where are we going first?" Taylor asked. "That's a secret, but you'll find out when we get there," Karlie answered, intent on not letting Taylor know where they were headed. "Oh come on Kar, just tell me. I hate surprises," Taylor whined. "You'll see," Karlie grinned.

Karlie started their tour off on broadway and continued on through the city, stopping occasionally in a few stores, until it was almost sunset. "Alright, off to our final stop," Karlie said, a bit exhausted from walking all day. Their final stop was what appeared to be a secluded spot on the NYC coastline. "Wow, this is so cool!" Taylor said as she looked around. "I come here a lot when I need some space or need to blow off some steam."

Karlie sat down on a large rock and Taylor started scouring the ground for the perfect skipping stone. The two sat like that for a while, not saying anything, but saying everything at the same time. They didn't need to actually speak to communicate that the two were, for the first time today, completely relaxed. Karlie had never been ale to confide in anyone about her problems with Josh before today. She had been thinking it over and made her decision. She was going to put herself first for once. She just hoped she had made the right decision. Finally, Karlie said "I dream that one day I'll find permanent happiness." Taylor let out a small chuckle, "Well, don't you dream impossible things."

"Do you not believe that I could find it?" Karlie asked. "Honestly, I don't believe that anyone could find permanent happiness. Happiness is fleeting, so you just have to hold on to it while you can." Taylor sounded like she had thought about that many times before. "Well that makes it sound like you should be afraid of being happy, if you're only going to be happy for so long." "You can't think about it like that because if you do, you won't even get to enjoy the happiness that you have," how Taylor could sound so wise was still beyond Karlie. She chuckled at herself, "I feel like i over analyze everything." Taylor let out a small laugh, "Look at you, worrying too much about things you can't change."


I'm not completely sure what updates are going to be like as far as how often I'll get to do them. I promise that the story picks up soon, I just needed this chapter to set up a few points in the plot. I also just want to say thank you to everyone for the feedback and support, it means a lot.

As always, please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes.



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