You Know For Me, It's Always You

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The hard-wood floor of the apartment was cold against Karlie's bare feet as they padded from upstairs into the kitchen. She and Taylor had gotten back from Nashville the night before after spending an amazing week together. Every day, Taylor had made sure to work in time for her and Karlie to go do something in the city. But after all the fun during the week, they both decided that tonight was going to be very low-key. Karlie had offered to order some take out food earlier, but Taylor had better ideas. She was standing at the counter in the kitchen chopping some vegetables for a vegan curry she had found the recipe for specifically with Karlie in mind. Taylor felt two long, slender arms snake around her waist as Karlie rested her head on the singers shoulder. "Maybe I should offer to cook more often," the singer giggled.

"Maybe you should," Karlie mumbled against blonde hair.

Taylor tried to hide the butterflies Karlie was giving her while she returned to her work. The model then moved her head from the blonde's shoulder as she reached for a piece of raw cauliflower and stuck it in her mouth. "You're so healthy, it's kind of freaky," Taylor said.

"Yeah, but I have to be if I want to keep up this body," Karlie played as she struck a pose, trying to be seductive but looking more adorable than anything to the singer.

"Ugh, you're such a dork," Taylor rolled her eyes as she moved the vegetables to the pot on the stove.

"Yeah, but I'm your dork and you love it," Karlie said as she leaned against the counter, intently watching the blonde as she focused on cooking, "and don't you roll your eyes at me." Taylor just shook her head as she continued adding the rest of the ingredients. 

Soon enough, the curry was done and the two of them each had a bowl as they sat at the table, enjoying each other's company. "Holy shit, Taylor, this is really good," Karlie said as she scooped another spoon full into her mouth.

"Good, I hadn't ever tried this recipe before and was kind of scared of how it was going to turn out."

"Well, it's really really good."

"Thanks," Taylor blushed as she looked back down at her bowl.

The two continued to eat in a comfortable silence, each stealing glances at the other and then blushing and looking away when they got caught. It was cute little things like that that made Karlie's heart flutter. She knew she wanted to talk to Taylor about what exactly was going on between them tonight. She hoped that the singer felt the same way she did. They both finished their bowls and headed into the kitchen to wash them. Taylor loaded them into the dish washer as Karlie made her way into the living room and sat down on the couch. The blonde soon followed and sat beside Karlie as she reached for the remote. She turned on an episode of Law and Order: SVU, and the two cuddle in silence on the couch, Karlie trying to work up the nerve to talk to Taylor.

"Hey Tay? Can we talk about something?"

Taylor turned down the volume on the TV as she turned to Karlie, letting the model know that she had her full attention. "Sure, Kar. What's bothering you?"

"I-I was just wondering about what this is. I've really enjoyed the past few weeks with you, but we haven't talked at all about what this means and I really hope we can keep going because there's really nothing I want more and I guess what I'm trying to say is w-will, will you, uh, b-be, uh..." Karlie could feel her face getting redder and redder as she was nervous about this.

"Are you trying to ask me if I'll be your girlfriend?" the singer giggled.

Karlie blushed as she replied, "Yeah."

"I think that was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Were you really that nervous about it? I thought it had already kind of been implied," Taylor said.

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