I Just Wanna Know You Better Now

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Karlie's POV

"Maybe I should just tell her. She won't think it's because of her. I need to talk to someone about it anyway," Karlie was thinking to herself. She began to think about what happened last night.

They had spent several hours just sitting on the shore, talking about everything. They talked about growing up, what they feared most, even what their favorite flavor of cupcake was. Karlie had never been able to open up so much to anyone before.

They both eventually headed home, Karlie going back to her own apartment, but promising to meet again soon. The moment Karlie stepped inside her door, she slid down to the floor with a huge grin on her face. It was the same grin that had donned her face since the moment she met Taylor all those years ago. Karlie went to bed with that very grin still on her mouth.

The next morning, she woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on it all. Then reality struck her.

She had made her decision, and she was more sure about it than anything she had ever thought of before. She was going to break up with Josh. Karlie was letting herself feel everything for the first time. She was actually going to do it. She had been thinking about it for a while, but it never seemed right. She had never been sure. Now, she was 100% sure. Even if Taylor didn't love her back, she needed to end it with Josh.

Karlie grabbed her phone and dialed his number.

"Hey, can you come by my place sometime this morning? I need to talk to you about something."

Karlie knew he could tell something was wrong, but he seemed like he didn't care.

"Yeah, sure. I should have some time around 10:00."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

"Yeah, see you then."

The feelings of anxiety began to set it. She hadn't even thought of how she was going to do this. She didn't know what she was going to say.

"How could I not have even thought about this?"

Karlie decided she would just let the words find her when the time came.

Knock Knock Knock

How had an hour already passed? Karlie suddenly felt like she wasn't ready for what she was about to do. Then she remembered Taylor, and all of those feelings of dread and anxiety melted away.

Karlie opened the door to be greeted by Josh, in his work suit, looking less than enthusiastic to be there.

"Hey, you can come in."


"So, uh, I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately." Karlie started off, but couldn't find the courage she needed.

"I just feel like we've been drifting apart lately, and frankly, I've been feeling like you just don't care anymore."

"Are you saying you don't love me?"

"That's not what I'm saying, I still love you, but I'm just not in love with you anymore."

"So, this is it huh?" Josh's face hadn't changed the entire time he had been in the room.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"Does he really not give a fuck that I just broke up with him. I didn't even let him down easy, I just vomited words all over him." Karlie was shocked that it really was true. Josh just didn't care.

"I guess I better go then."

"I guess so. I'll see you around, Josh."


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