Right There Where We Stood

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Karlie awoke the next morning in bed next to Taylor. The singer had one of her arms under her pillow as her other hand gripped onto Karlie's. Her blonde hair was splayed out around her, and her freckles were showing due to the lack of makeup. Soft snores were escaping her agape mouth every now and then. The brunette didn't think she had ever seen a sight as adorable as this. She rolled over onto her side, careful not to break the connection their hands had. She continued to lay there and watch the singer for a few minutes until she saw Taylor's nose twitch, and suddenly blue eyes fluttered open. 

"Do you particularly enjoy creeping on other people while they sleep?" the singer teased, her voice slightly hoarse and filled with sleep.

"Nope, I just enjoy creeping on you," Karlie retorted.

"Mmm, well then I feel honored," Taylor said scooting back over to the model and closing her eyes as she laid her head on her chest.

The brunette wrapped her arms around the singer and pulled her closer. She kissed the top of her head as she said, "I could stay like this all day long."

"Well, don't let me stop you," the blonde hummed.

The two stayed in this position for a while longer while Taylor went back to sleep, and Karlie thought about everything that had happened in the past month. She couldn't believe that it had only been close to a month since she met the singer once again; it felt like it had been lifetimes. Karlie couldn't remember a time in her life when she had someone that she could be as open with as she was with Taylor. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind around the singer. She told her her fears and dreams and everything that fell in between. Spoken words were rarely filtered from thoughts around the blonde, which was something Karlie hadn't ever been able to say before. She had always been a soft-spoken person. She couldn't help but smile at the idea of being able to be like this for the rest of her life. The model knew that it was way too early to be talking about forever, but she couldn't help but see the snoring blonde laying in her arms as her future.

Karlie let Taylor sleep for another hour before she started rubbing her arms, trying to rouse the blonde. "Tay, come on, we need to get up if we're going to get to do anything today." The only response she received was a grunt as the singer pulled her knees up to her chin up and nuzzled her face deeper into the model's neck. 

"Come on, grumpy. We gotta get up," Karlie chuckled.

"What happened to 'I could stay like this all day'? I liked that plan better," the singer groaned.

The model laughed as she yanked the covers off of the older girl and picked her up. "Let's go sleeping beauty. I've got a surprise for you."

That definitely got the blonde's attention. "A surprise? What is it?" she inquired.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" Karlie said as she put the singer down on the ground, "Come on, I'll make breakfast."

The two made their way downstairs as Taylor took a seat on the counter next to the taller girl who seemed to know her way around her kitchen. She watched as the brunette began mixing batter for pancakes and heating the pan on the stove. The blonde couldn't help but fall a little more in love with the girl as she saw her almost drop some eggs. "Calm the enthusiasm, iron chef. The pancakes will still get made even if you take a little longer getting the eggs out," Taylor giggled.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" the taller girl said, standing in between the other girl's legs.

"Yeah, I do actually. I'm hilarious," the singer replied, leaning in slowly, daring Karlie to close the gap.

The brunette took the hint and leaned in until soft lips met her own. The two broke away when the shorter girl smelled something burning. "Oh shit!" Karlie exclaimed, immediately moving the pan from the heat, "See what happens when you distract me?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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