But On a Wednesday, In a Cafe

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Taylor's POV

Taylor awakes to the feeling of a strong arm wrapped protectively around her waist, almost seeming to guard her from the rest of the world. The memories of the night before flood her mind, and she can't help but smile.

"This is it. This is right. Everything is perfect. God, she looks so cute when she's asleep."

Taylor turns to her side to admire the model to her right. She looks absolutely stunning in the filtered sunlight coming in from the blinds. Karlie's face is nuzzled in the singer's hair and she couldn't look more peaceful. Her arm gently pulls closer to Taylor every now and then, leading her to believe the younger girl is dreaming.  Taylor doesn't want to wake her, so she stays perfectly still, savoring every second of the moment. She's still gazing at the model when green eyes flutter open.

"Hey, you." Karlie says as she closes her eyes again and scoots even closer.

"Good morning." Taylor wraps both arms around her and places a kiss on the top of her head.

"So what are your plans for today?"

"Well, I have a meeting with Tree this morning to go over some promotional stuff for the album, and then i have to meet Max in the studio to go over a few mixes. What about you?"

"I have some meetings about the Kookies this morning, but then I should be free for the rest of the day."

Karlie yawned and stretched her arms up.

"Careful, don't wanna bump the ceiling." Taylor joked.

"Oh shut up." Karlie giggled and playfully nudged Taylor.

"What time do you get out of your meetings with Tree?"

"Around 12:30."

"Perfect! I'm planning a lunch date. Wear something nice, I don't want you to embarrass me. I'll text you the exact time and place when that gets figured out."

"How could I ever embarrass you, Kloss?" Taylor crossed her eyes and made the weirdest face she could.

"Ok, I think that's my cue to get up and start the day."

"At least let me make you some breakfast."

"Fine, but nothing substantial. I've got to be out the door in like thirty minutes."

Karlie got up and headed to the bathroom, while Taylor headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Karlie's POV

Karlie emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready to take on anything. There's a wonderful aroma of freshly cooked breakfast floating up from the kitchen downstairs. Taylor is standing at the stove flipping pancakes and doesn't notice Karlie coming down the stairs. She quietly walks over and wraps her arms around the singer, holding her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Well someone's a bit clingy in the mornings." Taylor jeers. Karlie unwraps her arms and walks over to her a stool by the counter, acting disappointed. Taylor flips the last pancake onto a plate and walks behind Karlie setting the plate down in front of her and engulfing the girl in a hug.

"Now look who's clingy."

"I didn't say I didn't like it."

"You know, it's kinda hard to eat when there's someone being adorable behind you." Karlie pokes Taylor in her sides, making the older girl laugh.

She grabs her own plate and sits down in the seat next to Karlie. The two sit in comfortable silence while they eat, not feeling the need to say anything. This is the first time Karlie hasn't felt awkward while sitting in silence with someone. Josh always used to somehow make any silence awkward. Karlie loves that she doesn't feel the need to fill every silence, for fear of a lack of conversation could lead to an awful feeling of awkwardness. She can sit and enjoy this moment with Taylor while communicating everything she needs to without saying anything.

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