Chapter 6

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Reed's POV
"Ugh wtf?!" I groaned as I looked at my phone which was blowing up, more than usual. It was like 6 in the morning but that didn't really matter to me, what did was why all these people are blowing up my phone. I hope on Twitter and saw what everyone was tweeting me was the video of me and Liv performing together. It sounded amazing! I wanted to see what people were saying about it but what really caught my eye was that there were over 3,000,000 views on YouTube.

Everyone wanted to know basically the same thing, who is she? So I thought I would introduce the world to its new overnight Internet star.

Welcome to our world bestie! ❤️😂 @L.I.V16

I attached the video and saw hundreds of people fav and retweet it. Liv's going to have a nice surprise when she wakes up.

Grayson's POV
A wide smile grew on my face when I slowly opened my eyes and saw the one and only, most beautiful Liv in the world. She was all cuddled up in my chest and I didn't want to wake her cause she's so cute so I grabbed my phone and and laid there.

It's was about 8:10 a.m. so I went on snapchat for a while. Holy shit. 79,376 people screenshoted my picture with Liv. Oh no...

I quickly went on Twitter and saw #Graysmysterygirl  trending worldwide. I clicked on the hashtag and saw the picture, it wasn't to where you could see Liv's face but you could see her hair and you could tell it was a girl. I feel so bad. She doesn't know I took that picture and if she gets mad at me I couldn't handle it.

I decided that the people needed an answer but one that won't revival that it is Liv.

Guys calm down, yes I took a picture with a girl on my snapchat but don't worry she's just a fan and we were outside the bus.

I don't have a mystery girl and I don't have a girlfriend so please please please calm down! I love you all!

Ugh but I want her to be my girlfriend. I really hope this doesn't hurt Liv in anyway. I'm just trying to protect her.

"Grayson!" I heard Ethan whisper loudly at me.

"What?" I replied. "Come here now." He said with a hint of a mad tone.

Ugh I don't wanna move! I groaned a careful moved around Liv to get out and to Ethan. "Wtf is this crap on Twitter?" He said holding up his phone. Kate was sitting on the couch listening to something, she smiled a sheared a tear.

Ethan saw what I was seeing a me walk over to comfort Kate. " What's wrong babe?" He said trying to comfort her. Her smile grew bigger and bigger as she showed Ethan the phone, then a smile grew across his face. Then he took the phone from Kate and walked over to me and placed it into my hands.

"Liv and Reed." Were the only words that left his mouth and all I heard was beautiful music exiting the phone and bring all three of us joy.

Liv's POV
"Your words cut deeper than a knife, now I need someone to bring me back to life..." I sang from someone's phone. "Wtf" I said quietly to myself. Where's that coming from.

"Now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needed stitches." I heard Reed's voice sing. "This is amazing." "They sound great together." "I can't believe this is actually happening, I've always told her with a voice like that she will go big." I heard from three different voices out side the curtain, probably coming from the living room.

It's not usual for me to wake up to well me singing and for umm my phone to be blowing up on Twitter. Like what the fuck happened last night, I don't remember doing anything too extreme. I got on my twitter and saw I went from 587 followers to 32,906 followers and that people were tweeting me a YouTube link. I clicked it and saw the most amazing thing that has happened to me in a while.

I pressed play and the music just blared out of my phone. I sang along and saw kate jump on top of me hugging and crying. "Your going to be big." She said as she hugged me. "What do you mean?" I laughed a little. Then the twins heads poked into the curtain. " There's our overnight sensation." They said in sync. What I thought and looked at the views. 3,764,908 it read. I almost passed out, I was speechless.

Everyone was staring at me when I jumped out of my bed and into Reed's, who was sound asleep. I hugging him and was crying. He wrapped his warm arms around me. "Good morning my little rockstar." He said and kissed my forehead. "Thank you." Was all I could get out. I continue to say it over and over again. I looked up form Reed's muscular chest and saw Grayson staring, looking mad and hurt.

We got out of bed and met everyone in the kitchen/living room, we received congratulations and hugs and some tears, mainly coming from kate. "Good morning to my two overnight superstars!" Tiffany said with a huge grin. "Liv, I have a question for you actually." She said with a smile. "Shoot." I quickly replied.

"How would it be if you joined the tour? Like your and Reed here preform together mans you can met fans because you obviously have a lot now who want to meet you!" A hue grin grew and I jumped on her and gave her a ginormous hug. "Yes! Thank you so much!" I said jumping up and down.

I hugged everyone in the bus and when I got to Grayson his hug was full of love. I looked at him and our eyes met. He slowly leaned in and so did I. We were centimeters away from each other when...

"Guy wtf is this stuff on Twitter? #Graysmysterygirl?" Sam said.

I turned away from Grayson and walked over to Sam. "What?" I said curiously. "Look."


Omg I thought I was never going to write. Okay so I started this story at the end of summer which is not the smartest idea I've had because like you need time to write these and yea. I've been in school for like 4 weeks now and I haven't updated in like a month at the least. I mean you guys won't know cause I don't publish it but like still it feels like forever. Thanks for reading! Love y'all!

The Unexpected •A Grayson Dolan Fan Fiction•Where stories live. Discover now