Chapter 13

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Liv's POV
Black. Black was all I could see and the annoying sound of beeping filled room. Where am I? What happened? I heard the door open and I tried to move but I couldn't, I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge and my mouth wouldn't open.

  "Oh my god Liv... I'm so sorry. I tired to make it the most perfect day for you and you ended up like this," Like what? What's happening? Who's talking to me? Is it Grayson?

  "Please waking up for me. I love you so much and if you don't make it I couldn't live with myself. I should have protected you from Liam but there wasn't  much I could do. But they caught him baby. He's in jail right now and it depends on how you do if he stays or not. Please Liv. Please wake up." He sounded like he'd been crying.

  "Mr. Dolan, your time is up. She needs to be in a quiet environment for her to hopefully recover." The soft voice must have been a nurse. With that I felt the bed shake a bit from Grayson getting off the bed and then I heard the door shut. What's going on? What did Liam do to me? When did Grayson even get here?

Three days earlier

Liv's POV
  "Happy Birthday!" My family yelled and my eyes shot open. My eyes finally adjusted to the light in my room and I noticed that my mom, dad, brothers, Kate, Ethan, and my German Shepherd Maggie all in my room.

"Haha thanks guys but I'm gonna go back to sleep." I whispered as I noticed that it was only 6:30 I could sleep for 30 more minutes so that was my plan. I closed my eyes and heard giggles and then felt three giant bodies start jumping on my bed and eventually they all fell on me.

  "I hate all of you." I tried to yell under Chris, Luke, and Ethan.

"Hey if we have to be up at 6 so do you!" Chris screamed and started to tickle me. While laughing historically, I agreed to finally get up and kicked everyone out of my room except Kate and started to get ready.

"So how does it feel to be 17 kiddo?" Kate laughed going through my closet while I was straightening my hair.

"Not bad child not bad." I laughed back and decided to do my make up. We were listening to music while we were getting ready when we heard a knock at the door and I got up to answer it. I heard footsteps running down the hallway and was wonder what they were doing. I opened the door and saw this beautiful blue chest that had a heart shaped lock on it. Where's the key though?

I turned the chest around carefully and saw a Polaroid picture that was taped to the bottom of the chest that said, "The first time we met." write on it. Well that could be anyone and anything. Well then I guess I should just look around.

I started wondering my room when a came cross a drawer on my desk of Polaroid pictures that's I had taken and looked through them. I came across one with a small key taped to the back, I lightly took the key off and looked at the picture. It was me and Grayson at Magcon. Makes sense.

I placed the key in the lock and it opened. I felt Kate presence behind me to see what was in the chest. The beautiful blue chest contain a bunch of different shades of blue envelopes. It was like those moments in the movies when the people open a box and a light shines out because it so amazing. Yeah it was like that.

"Oh my gosh..." Kate whispered as we walked over to my bed. we started to take the envelopes out.

"Open this first. Open on your birthday. Open when you miss me. Open when you are sad. Liv this is so sweet." My heart was currently out of my chest. I was speechless. Open when you need help, Open when you need to know I love you, Open on game days, Open when you're frustrated, Open when you're happy. Butterfly's are currently flying in my stomach, scratch that I mean moths. MOTHS ARE FLYING IN MY STOMACH.

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