Chapter 8

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Liv's POV

Tiffany just woke me and Kate up because we were in town and she was gonna wake the boys but we didn't want to bother them. We gathered our stuff and had about 10 mins to chill. It is 4:25 a.m. and Kate decided to just wake Ethan so they could be together for a little bit so it was just me sitting in the living room hearing quiet whispers from Ethan's bed.

"Liv?" I hear from a sleepy voice, turning my head towards the voice and saw Grayson's little head poking out of the bed.

"Yea Gray?" I whisper to him.

"Are you leaving?"  I nodded and watched his facial emotion go from tired to sad.

"Can we just spent the little time we have left together?" he asked as he crawled out of his bed in his soccer sweats and no shirt. I nodded and took my earbud out so I could hear him. He came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.

"You know I've never felt this way about anyone. A Friend, any of my exs, any of my fans. You're different and that's what I love about you and I know that we've only known each other for like a few days but I feel like we have such a stronger connection that I am willing to fight for. And I know you have Liam and I will respect that..." I completely zoned out when he said Liam. The love of my life, the guy that I have been dreaming to meet and date for years, the boy who saved me saying he is willing to fight for me. He continued to talk but I cut him off when I smashed my lips on his.

Gray's POV

  Fireworks. Thats all I felt when Liv kissed me and I kissed her back almost instantly with passion. This girl, in two days I feel has made such an impact on my life and I don't understand how I've gotten along without her. Well I had Ethan but this is more like um in a girl way I guess.

"Alright girls we're here." the bus driver whispered as we pulled up to my house. Liv and I pulled apart and I pulled her into a hug.

"Don't forget about me. I'll text you everyday and I'll FaceTime you every week." I whispered into her ear. I feel like I'm losing a big part of me.

"I won't forget about you but you have to promise you won't forget about me." She said letting go off me and sticking her pinky out. I laughed and pinky promised.

Ethan and Kate came out from Ethan's bed and we walked them to the front door and carried their bags for them while they carried their pillows and blankets.  Liv's blue jeep was parked in the front of the house so I guess Kate's mom dropped it off. Liv pulled out her keys from her backpack that I was carrying and unlocked the front door.

"We'll take the bags to your rooms for you guys." Ethan said, knowing we both wanted to spend a little bit more time with the girls.

"Thanks Babe." Kate yawned half awake and lead the way to the room. Kate flung the door open and jumped on Liv's bed, quickly getting comfortable. Ethan placed her stuff down and went to go say goodbye to her. After Ethan said his goodbye and Kate insisting for him to stay, she quickly fell asleep and Ethan kissed her forehead and said goodbye to Liv and went back to the bus. I placed Liv's stuff in the corner of her rooms and turned around to see her beautiful hazel eyes start to water.

"Haha sorry I just don't want you to go." She whispered with a weak smile. I walked over, placed my finger under her chin and lifted her head up. "You'll see me. I'll always be here." I said looking into her eyes then slowly kissed her passionately.

Liv's POV

Fireworks. That's all I felt when Grayson kissed me. I pulled away from his kiss and rested my forehead on his.

"Don't miss your flight." I whispered trying to not cry.

"Yeah I should go." he said then quickly pecked my lips and I hugged him. I grabbed his hand and walked him down the stairs to the front door. "

"Bye Liv."

"Bye Grayson." I said holding back tears. He started to walk back towards the bus and I watched for a little bit then closed the door before he could see me cry. I sank to the ground and cried for a little bit
*Din-Ding Ding*
I pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

From: Grayson 😍☺️😏
Don't cry. I love you.

I sat there in shock. Did he really just say that? Does he mean it? Questions were flying through my head.
*Ding-Ding Ding*

From: Grayson 😍☺️😏
And I mean it Liv. I really do.

The feelings I had towards Grayson and what we have done this weekend were wrong because I have Liam but I mean it feels so right and I have been dreaming about the day when Grayson Bailey Dolan would tell me he loves me and that day is today.

To: Grayson 😍☺️😏
I love you too.

Hey guys! Omg sorry for the short chapter but like I literally had the first two paragraphs then like stopes for like what a month that just came back to it. and I have two new books that I'm gonna write after this one and I have an idea for another one and IM SO EXCITED TO GET BACK TO WRITING AND YAYYYY!!! 😂 hope y'all enjoined the book so far!


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