Chapter 10

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Liv's POV
It's been two months now and things have changed  actually. I'm still with Liam but it's going down hill I think. We don't talk as much as we used to and we're just like drifting apart. Kate and Ethan are now two months strong and they still talk everyday and they are just so cute. And as for me and Grayson, I don't know. We talked for like a month and a half then he just like stopped talking to me, won't reply to my text, won't answer my phone calls or FaceTime won't tell Ethan or Kate why he's ignoring me and honestly I think I'm slowly creeping back into depression. I've never lost someone like him and it kills me.

Tonight is actually a big game for me and my soccer team, semi-finals against our rivals and I need to focus on that instead of Liam and Grayson. Grayson...

My team was in the locker room doing our normal pre game routine. Like so people work out, some people will just jump in place, some go on the track and run, some people read and some, like me, listen to music but I listen to like a mixture of music like it will be a sad song then an upbeat song then an inspirational song. It like gets my emotions going and by the end of my playlist I'm like pissed but when I play mad, that's when I play me best.

"Girls gather around!" my coach hollered after he asked if everyone was decent. Behind came about 9 girls who were in the weight room or running on the track. Everyone say on the benches in front of the lockers except for me, since I'm the captain I had to go stand next to him.

"You girls have worked your butts off to be undefeated and are in the fourth round of playoffs. I've never had a team that works as hard as you and all those times I made you run it was is for this game right here. We need to, excuse my language, bust our asses out there and play with heart!" Coach said and everyone was cheering and clapping and nodding their heads. "Liv, have anything to say?" I stepped up and was ready.

"I believe in us guys. We have the skill and the heart and we just need to focus on all that. Forget the outside world, forget the drama and just play our game. This is our stress reliever, when we play none of that drama or hate matters. Let's go kick some ass!" I yelled and that made everyone pumped and we headed towards the tunnel. I lead the group and we ran out looks like freaking bosses.

We warmed up a bit when I heard my name being yelled from the bleachers so I turned there I saw them. I laughed. Kate, Liam, Ethan and a bunch of my friends. I ran toward the fences where Kate and Ethan met me.

"Ethan what are you doing here?!" I asked. Me and Ethan grew close over the last two months so he's like my best friend now.

"To watch you kick ass! Now go do that!" he yelled and patted my head and with that I ran back into my huddle. Everyone questioned me about "The Ethan Dolan" and I just laughed and said yes that's him but to focus. The referees soon called for captains so I ran to the middle of the field and so did the other team's captain, ugh Mary. I'll make it plain and simple Mary is a bitch.

"Girls shake hands and introduce yourself."



I won the coin toss and with that everyone got into our starting positions.

"Goalie ready? Goalie ready? Good luck girls." and then the whistle when off.

3-2. Awe 3-2... 3-2!!!!! Everyone in stands and on the field were cheering. We had won and barely too. it was 2-1 in the first half which I scored both goals and then in the second half Mary tied it. But at the last minute, April stole it from one of the other teams players, crossed it in and I put a head on it and it went in. Right when the other team restarted, the ref called game and we had won.

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