I Love You

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Last night had existed as the absolute worst hours of your life. Usually going out with your wonderful, amazing boyfriend Dean is a pleasure. But not in this instance.

Ever since you were a child your parents would always confess their adoration towards you, their precious daughter, by saying three words, "I love you."

But the thing was you could never reply with the same sentence... For some odd reason you would basically turn your face blue willing yourself to expel the syllables, but nothing ever came out.

You must have visited countless psychiatrists asking one simple question, "Why?" Although the answer was hidden from your knowledge. Sometimes you would hear your mother sobbing in the other room; wondering if her only daughter even harbored a drop of compassion for her.

That's why this date had gone oh so very wrong.

It started out with a casual conversation about the recent hunt, and what was next up for them.

"Well, I was thinking we could settle down for a while?" He inquired sifting a hand through his auburn follicles, "Just for a couple of weeks, you know?"

You took a bite of your pasta, and nodded, "Yeah, this last one really got me wanting to take a year long nap."

"You and me both," He replied.

For some reason this dinner didn't match up with ones from the past, there was a sort of tenacious sensation in the air. You knew by the way Dean was pausing and blurting random statements every minute.

"Hey Y/N, I need to tell you something," He confided.

"Sure, what's up?" You asked rolling another bit of spaghetti onto your fork.

"Well, I-I, we've been going out for a while you know, and I just wanted to tell you that I uh," He stuttered and stumbled through his divulgence.

A magenta blush crept onto your cheeks at his nervousness, "You what?"

"I-I," He stopped to take a deep breath, "Okay, I just wanted to say that I have this feeling when I'm with you, Y/N. A-and I don't know how to explain it. I've been on my fair share of dates, but with you the feelings and emotions that come back to me aren't blurry...they're clear as day. I think I'm," He paused and shook his head in disbelief at what THE Dean Winchester was about to confess, "In love with you."

Your heart stopped. The only sound perceivable in this whole restaurant was she constant clatter of dishes coming from the kitchen. Dean's facial expression detained a growing embarrassment with every second you didn't respond.

You were paralyzed, captivated in your own thoughts. What were you going to do? Perhaps trying again wouldn't hurt? But what if it didn't? Fear replaced the blood in your veins as the thousands of negative ideations cursed this moment. A moment you were supposed to remember and cherish forever. But instead the inescapable angst gnawed at you.


Involuntarily, you decided to give those meaningful term one last try.

"................ Dean," Your lips moved but nothing was heard except for his name.

"What was that?" Dean's brows knitted together in confusion, "I didn't catch that."

You cleared your throat and tried once more, "................."

His expression started to harden and the once jovial aspects had begun to fade.

"I'm so sorry, Dean. I never meant for this to happen, I have this thing where I can't-" Dean cut you off.

"It's okay, Y/N you don't have to force yourself to love me back," His tone was clipped and angry, making you uncomfortable.

"Please, I can explain," You urged.

"No, let's go. Sam will be wondering where we are," Quickly he slammed fifty dollars onto the table and gripped your wrist tightly on the way to the Impala.

"Dean, stop! Please your hurting me!" The hunter immediately freed your hand, and vocalized his rage.

"Are you serious?! I'm hurting you? What kind of sick joke is this, Y/N?! We have something here, or at least I thought. I've never said those words to anyone in this way before and-"

"I love you too, Dean!" Your eyes widened to the size of flying saucers.

"Oh my God I said it," Shock painted itself over your face, then you squealed happily and glanced over at a dumbfounded Dean, "I said it!"

"Wha-" He didn't finish his question due to your lips attaching to his.

All of the anger that filtered out of him earlier had been replaced with a scorching dose of passion. Dean's fingers laced into your hair, and his irises glistened the most exuberant green you had ever sighted.

"Thank you," You said softly.

He chuckled slightly, "I don't know what I did, but you're welcome."

The corners of your lips curved into a smile as the two of you walked down the street towards the Impala.


A/N: OMG! What is this?! An update? Sorry it's taken me forever to get a new one up, but school is so hectic and draining ugh. Hope you liked this one tho!!

Love you guys!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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