Dean Winchester (One Shots)

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Hey guys! So while I was searching up good Dean/OC one-shots I found that there were barely I decided that I would write some! I hope you guys don't mind and I promise that I'll update "What Happened to Goodbye?" (My other story) regularly as well.

Basically I'll try and fit a short story into a chapter but some one-shots might have two or three parts.

Feel free to message me with ideas! I'm all up for it! :)

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Btw this is before they get Sammy from school, so it's pre-season 1.



Dinner Date:

She was sitting in the motel room sprawled out on the bed after a hunt. They had just killed several demons and it made her extremely tired. Melanie felt the rough, low quality blanket rub against her cheek as she waited for Dean to get out of the shower.

"God what's taking you so long! I could even take less time in the shower!!" She groaned and slammed against the bed in irritation.

Finally after ten more minutes Dean walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Melanie's eyes widened as she looked at his beautifully toned abs and muscular arms.

"Are you just gonna sit there, or hurry up and get washed up so we can eat?" Dean said with a smirk.

She shook herself and felt her cheeks go red, "Okay sheesh at least I didn't take a million hours."

Making her way past the hunter, she walked towards the still steaming bathroom and stripped her clothes off.

Stepping into the warm water, she felt it trickle down her back and soothe her once aching body. Melanie closed her eyes and listened to the faint sound of rock music emitting from the tv.

After about twenty minutes she got out of the shower and dried herself off with a towel. Tying her hair up in a messy bun, she strolled over to her bag to grab some clothes.

She decided to wear some black jean shorts and a white loose tank top. As she pulled the shirt over her bra, Dean eyed her and sat down on the bed.

"It took you long enough, I'm starving!" Dean grabbed the keys to the Impala and started to hold the door for Melanie.

She noticed that and she spoke with a roguish grin on her face,"This is new, Dean Winchester, the gentleman."

"What, now I can't be nice once in a while?"

Mel laughed, "Now I know something will be off when you say I can drive."

"Okay that's just plain crazy, you better splash me with holy water if I ever say that."

They both busted out laughing at the thought and entered the car.

The two put the radio volume on the highest level and practically screamed the lyrics of Metallica's "Creeping Death."

When they arrived at the small diner, Dean and Mel both came in doubled over in fits of chuckles and giggles. As they were seated the waitress came around and took their orders; Dean, of course, had a beer and a bacon cheese burger. And as for Melanie, she asked for a hamburger with a small vanilla shake.

"You're such a little kid," Dean joked.

"But you love me," she said smiling bright.

Dean chortled and mumbled something under his breath that Mel didn't quite catch but she just ignored it.

"So what's after this? Where are we going?" Melanie asked,"wait! Let's go somewhere nice like Florida or -better yet- California! There's got to be a case somewhere in those parts!"

Dean laughed and then took a sip of his beer, "Well I was thinking that we could go see how Sammy is maybe? Just a thought ya know, I found a case near his campus and well I was thinking we could check it out."

"Of course, I'd love to see Sam, it's been so long!"

Dean beamed and looked into her icy eyes. They were a mirror image of her mother's, vibrant and alluring.

"So when do we leave?" She took the cherry off of the top of her shake and bit into it.

"Probably a couple days, we'll find Dad first."

Mel nodded and watched as their waitress brought their food out. Of course their attendant was beautiful; she had long bleach blonde hair, perfectly tanned skin, and wore a tight crop top.

The woman left and winked at Dean as Melanie inwardly groaned.

"I'm surprised that you didn't ask for her number," she tasted her food and it was absolutely amazing.

Dean shrugged his shoulders, "Not really my type."

Melanie sat there with her mouth wide open. That's exactly what he likes in a girl!!!

Finally both of them finished their meal and walked outside.

Mel tripped of the curb and almost fell over. Of course I would do this!! She chastised herself.

Dean caught her and held her steady, "you okay there."

She laughed, "I'm fine."

Once again he was captivated by her eyes, those aquamarine orbs dazzled in the night sky.

He looked down at her lips and slowly leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was smooth and sweet, she was everything he ever wanted. Sure he looked at the hot girls in bars from time to time but this was different she made him feel alive.

She pulled away breathless and completely taken back.

"What was that?" She asked, it wasn't in a harsh tone but just a question.

"I just feel like we won't have many times like this in the future."

Mel chuckled slightly, "you know I was sort of thinking the same thing. It's a small thought that pops into my mind and, well, I only hope I'm wrong."

"Me too."


A/N: Well I hope you liked it! Don't forget to rate and comment! <3.

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