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Okay...I know it has been a billion years since I updated this story. BUT I HAVE AN EXCUSE (sorta xD). Well the reason for most of my inactivity towards this story is because I have been playing enormous amounts of tennis (no joke I play everyday). But yeah, I'm going to try and update a little quicker in the upcoming weeks yay!

Chapter 3:

Melanie crouched over the toilet seat in a crumpled mess. Her hair was tangled, disheveled, and to top it off she had been throwing up for the past four days.

But today the constant nausea finally dissipated and Mel was extremely relieved.

Dean and Sam were out working a case nearby. The older brother told her to stay back and take care of herself while they completed the job. She was hesitant but later complied due to her 'vomiting issue'.

She sighed and laid on the bed, Melanie was feeling much better now and wondered why she had gotten sick in the first place. One part of her mind said it was just something she ate or probably the flu. The rest of her saw a different side to this. Though Mel just shrugged it off and turned on the T.V.

The girl (realizing she was absolutely starving) raised up from the bed and got one of the candy bars from the fridge and munched on it.

It quickly dropped to the ground.

She knew the reason she was having this "sickness".

There was a commercial on the television for tampons and Mel came to grips with the fact that she might be...


"Oh god, no no no," she begged to nobody in particular.

She and Dean had...well you know but they always were careful and she was on the pill. It was most likely a false alarm but she wanted to be sure.

Apprehension coursed through her veins and her heart thumped loudly like a caged animal as she drove to the pharmacy.

The hunter looked at the myriad of tests and decided on one she saw on T.V. about a billion times. Picking up the box she went to the cash register.

The lady greeted her warmly, "hello."

Mel smiled back in response and placed the item on the conveyer belt.

The woman glanced up at her, "I'll check you out fast so you can have your results."

Melanie's face blushed a bright pink and after she paid for the tests she rushed back to the motel.

After reading the instructions on the back she drank a bounty of water to help herself go pee.

"Okay... let's hope this thing works," she told herself cautiously as she held the delicate decision-maker in her hand.

A few minutes of grueling torture went by and she perked through her hands to see what the pregnancy test said.

Two plus signs were bright and visible and Mel's eyes widened.

"Oh my god what will Dean say? Will he want the baby? Will I be a good mother? What if he leaves me?"

The multitude of thoughts jumbled up in her head making her want to scream.

She would need to tell him.


Melanie had been going over the situation for about three hours now and the same bundle of questions kept on protruding into her mind. The nerves were almost unbearable and they weren't even back yet.

How would she tell him? She had to be careful with this because if you go bluntly stating that you're pregnant it probably won't get you that much sympathy. But how? Well she was about to find out due to the act that Dean and Sam had just walked into the door.

"Hey Mel," Dean said with a wince as he stumbled through the door.

"Oh my god what the hell happened to you two?!" She asked alarmed.

"I'm fine but Dean over here has a nasty cut on his arm that'll need stitches," Sam stated as he helped his brother onto the bed.

Melanie rushed over to Dean as he protested and tried to convince her that he was alright.

"Sam could you hand me the needle and thread," she asked the younger sibling, "and get some of the wine from the fridge over there."

Sam left to get the supplies and handed most of them to Melanie, "I found everything except for the wine. I'm going to go get one from the liquor store real quick."

Mel nodded and lifted up the sleeve I Dean's black t-shirt to reveal the gash on his muscular arm.

"It's not that bad, nothing that can't be fixed."

Dean let out a sigh of relief and jumped when she started to sew his wound back together.

Mel laughed, "is someone getting scared of a teeny-tiny needle?"

Dean quickly defended himself, "no, it just hurts when you-OW!"

The girl busted out in an uncontrollable fit of giggles after she finally finished attending to his injury.

Then she remembered.

Dean abruptly stopped laughing when he saw her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

Mel sighed, 'it's now or never...'

"Dean, I uh....I have to tell you something," she started, he was confused and tried to discern a slight but of information from her eyes, "this morning when I was throwing up I realized that I was late."

"What?" He questioned, obviously still baffled.

She looked up at the ceiling and then back into his vibrant green eyes, "what I'm trying to say is...I'm pregnant Dean."

The hunter's eyes were as large as flying saucers when he took in what she had just said.

"B-but we used-"

"I know, it doesn't make sense to me either..."

He let a long breath of air he hadn't realized that he had been holding in. Comprehending the thought of being a father was an enormous deal.

"It's okay if you want to leave, I won't be that good with a gun or knife when I'm the size of a horse," she joked.

But Dean wasn't laughing, he saw right through her facade. She was terrified that he would try and leave her. The truth was that he wouldn't do that in a million years.

"Mel I would never do that. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean I won't love you anymore."

She stole a glance at him, "you love me?"

He chortled, "of course I love you. And the fact that you're going to be having my child makes me love you even more."

Melanie smiled brightly and a tear ran down her cheek but he wiped it away quickly.

Her eyes focused on his soft lips and he leant down to meld theirs together. The passion and undying emotion emitted was enough to make anyone jealous. She snaked her arms around his neck and he gripped her shoulders tight.

Sam walked in with the bottle of wine and quickly left as he saw that they were to not be disturbed.

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