Sick Day

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Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but school has been absolutely crazy with testing and finals ugh. I will try and update a bit faster now with summer approaching :)

Also, I think I'll just stick with the name Melanie and description of her. If you guys ever want me to use a different OC just message me with the details; hair color, name, eye color, ect.

Don't forget to rate and comment ;)


Sick Day:

Melanie ran as fast as she could while she tried to catch up with the Winchesters. Her breathing came in short ragged gasps, letting out a cough she leaned against a rail for a moment to rest.

"Mel come on we've almost got the bloodsuckers!" Dean shouted as he watched her standing against the pole, "you okay?"

Dean ran over towards the girl with concern washing over his face

"I'm fine, really. Just a little light headed that's all."

"Are you sure?" He looked her in the eyes, noticing her slightly pale face and glassy eyes.

"I'm okay Dean."

He nodded, still unsure if she was telling the truth and started dashed towards Sam who was already far in front of them.

They were up against a group of Vampires murdering many people in the area. So of course they would try and stop the killings.

Sam held the large knife in his hand steadily; ready to face up to the sinister creature. From behind him he saw the beast try to jump on top of him. Quickly, Sam sliced its head off and watched it roll away as the lifeless body became still.

Dean and Mel wiped out a few more vamps and watched as others tried to flee.

Melanie felt light headed when she saw the next one approaching and she tried her hardest to acquire the strength to take down the vampire. The beast came bounding towards her and she readied her blade.

The blood sucking animal looked at her with a ravenous glint in its eyes and Mel swung her knife to decapitate the foul monster.

Luckily she did but just as she did the feeling of dizziness came over her and she dropped her weapon. Falling on the ground, she landed on the cold concrete floor hard. And everything went black.

Dean looked over to where she used to be standing and immediately saw her figure on the ground.


He darted to her assistance and saw that she had passed out. He picked the girl up in his arms and looked over at Sam who had just executed the last vampire.

"What happened?" The younger brother asked alarmed.

"She just...fainted. I think she's sick, we better keep an eye on her and bring her to Bobby's place."

Sam nodded and they loaded up in the Impala with Dean in the backseat holding the frail girl in his arms.


Melanie awoke from her sleep slowly forcing her eyes to open. She tried to sit up but she pretty much felt like utter crap. The girl coughed and realized she was sick. 'Oh boy, this is just my day. Wait. What happened? And why am I at Bobby's?''

When she looked around Mel saw Dean sitting on the chair next to the bed. He looked so peaceful in his sleep but the chair looked so uncomfortable.

Her cough caused him to wake up and he shifted uneasily. Blinking for a moment he saw that she was awake and a wave of relief washed over him. Yet that was short lived when he saw that her face was even paler; at least she was awake now.

"Hey," Dean said groggily, "how are you feelin'?"

"Like I was hit by a bus and then fell off a cliff."

Dean cracked a smile and let out a small huff of laughter, "luckily none of that happened."

She smirked but that eventually let into a coughing fit that made her chest feel like it was being stabbed repeatedly.

"You okay?" There was a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah just peachy," Mel shivered and brought the blankets in close around her, "Jesus, it's freezing in here."

"Aw now we can't have that."

Melanie smiled and let out a laugh as Dean crawled in beside her and wrapped his strong arms around her. Overcome by the instant warmth Mel snuggled into him and felt him place a kiss on her forehead.

This was the first time she had experienced peace in a long time. Here in Dean's strong embrace is where Melanie felt like she was finally home.

"Where's Sam?" She asked; breaking the silence.

"He went to investigate another case."

"You should be out there with him," she paused, "he could get hurt and I can't have that happen because I'm stuck in the house with a cough."

"First off all it's not just a cough, you were running a pretty high fever and probably still have one. Secondly, I thought it was about time that we put some space between us and the hunting world."

Melanie smiled and Dean leaned in for a small kiss but she stopped him.

"No kissing! I can't have you getting sick because of me."

Dean pouted, "C'mon just one tiny kiss."

Mel sighed and gave in reluctantly, "Fine."

He gingerly closed the distance between them and moved his lips softly against hers.

Sometimes sick days could turn out well.

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