Chapter 14

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ok guys we're entering the final moments of December now

I sit crumpled in my bed eyes drawn down, staring helplessly at a little piece of notebook paper. I had yet to gather the strength to read the note. Atreyu... I was holding his last words to me in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I opened the note and read the last words I'd ever read of Atreyu's.


I loved you. More than I think you'll ever be able to understand. You've killed me love. I can't stand the pain anymore. I miss you. But I ache inside knowing what you've done. I can't forgive you but I want to so badly. I understand but I can't shake the hate that's nestled into me. I'm dead because of you.

Prince Charmings last words. He'll never write another love note. Never be able to love again. I stole that from him with my disease that somehow killed everything in its path. I hate myself now more than ever. I got my answers but now I wish I'd never seen the note.

Tears stream down my face. I can't help but cry. I wish I was in my own bed in m own house. Or better yet next to Atreyu. But maybe it's not to late to be beside Atreyu. Maybe the end of me can come sooner than it should. Maybe I can get better. Maybe I can end my pain.

The future comes into focus in my watery vision. I've found my cure. I've found my death amongst the scribbled words of the one I once knew as my prince charming.

DeadlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ