Chapter Two

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The other side of me. A new day with the other guy. The guy I knew before Atreyu had ever met me. The guy I deserved to be with. His harsh eyes staring down at me.

“Where were you yesterday?”

“No where”, I shrug.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone when I called?”

“I was sleeping.”

“With who?”

“No one! How many times do I have to tell you I’m not cheating on you?”

“Until I believe you.”

“It’s not my fault your ex cheated on you.”

“I know that”, he sighs.

“I’m sorry.”

“I deserved it.”

“I just don’t get why you always think I’m cheating on you. I’m not your ex. I’m me.”

“ I know.”

“Let’s just forget about it then.I’ll answer the phone the next time.”


“What do you want to do today?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want to go on a walk?”

“Not really.”

“Go to my house?”

“Your parents home?”

“I’m not sure.”


“Are yours?”


I pull out my phone carefully, noticing a new text message from Atreyu. I ignore it, going straight for my contact list instead. Mom answers on the third ring.

“Hello,” her sinusy voice fills the speaker.


“What do you want December?”

"Are you and dad home?"

"No. We had some errands to run. Why?"

Oh no reason. I was just going to sneak one of my boyfriends into my room without you noticing."Just wondering. Cat might be coming over later and I didn't want to bother you."

"Oh, well ok then. Have fun."

"Thanks mom. Love you bye."

I hang the phone up then. "Nope"

"Let's go then."

I stick my phone back in my pocket. Atreyu would have to wait until later. I follow behind as other boyfriend walks off ahead of me. He wasn't as affectionate as Atreyu was.In fact, he was nothing like Atreyu at all. This one had a temper, a blaring aggression that I had only glimpsed in the past. I tried my best not to tango with his bad side. I played the obedient girlfriend with him. He said jump,  I said how high.

“Walk faster.”

I push my legs to walk faster. I keep my head down watching the sidewalk move under my feet. It wasn’t a long walk to my house.



“Can I ask you something?”


“Do you love me?”

“I don’t know. Why the fuck would you ask me that?”

“I was just curious.”

He stays quiet, not even risking a glance behind him at me.He was always like this. everyone was always out to get poor little Ashden. When I had first met him two years ago at Cat’s pool party, he had been a completely different person. He was a loner back then. I first saw him when I was trying to avoid all the other drunk kids partying it up hard. He was in a vacant bedroom inside the house and I had just happened to stumble into that very room.

“Can I help you?”, he had asked. I jumped not knowing anyone was up here. I scanned the room quickly, trying to spot the half-naked girl more than likely somewhere nearby. I never saw one.

“Just looking for a hiding place”, I said sheepishly.


“I don’t like drunks.”

“Thats- different. You want to hide here?”

“Can I?”


“Why are you in here alone?”, I asked as I took sit near him.

“Just wanted to be alone for a little bit. The party scene can get annoying after a while.”

“Yeah. I know what you mean.”

“So who are you hiding from.”

“Just people in general.”

“Ah. Another formal loner.”

“Crowds make me nervous. Especially when their mostly drunk guys.”

He laughed at me. “I can understand that.”

“I bet”, I bit my lip.

“I’m not like that.”

“That’s what they all say.”

“Yeah, when they’re sober.”


We talked like that for hours it seemed. The world was at our fingertips and we had so much to talk about. My mouth started to hurt after a while. Cat came in as her party was coming to a close. “There you two are”, she smirked. She never let me live that day down after that.



“I said, do you have your key?”

“Oh, um- yeah”, I fished the key out of my pocket with clumsy fingers.

“Here”, I handed it to him. He snatched it from me and went on to unlock the door. Great he was mad at me now.

He threw the door open and stormed inside. I knew he wouldn’t wait for me and would go straight to my room. Why was I doing this? Why was I even with this jerk still? I sighed and walked into my house closing the door quietly behind me. ‘ Just bite your lip. Hold the pain in’, I tell myself as I walk to my doorway.

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