The Darkest Shade Of Black

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"HOW? I must be dreaming...I saw you, I saw it all...No this is not real."

She was trying to convince herself she was dreaming, but was she? She was currently sitting on the floor,both of her knees close to her upper body, she was rocking back and forth in small movement trying to find a logical explanation for what she just witnessed.

Right in front of her was standing a tall figure of 6'3, dark black boots, tight black pants, plain black shirt, a black leather jacket, black curly hair and the most gorgeous emerald green eyes who used to belong to her hero, which she cried and sold her soul to complete darkness and isolated herself from the world in a place where his memory would always stay fresh, when they buried him 6 feet underground.

THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY extemporaneousx

(A/N sorry another note. But this story is so brilliant and I just can't even. I'm calm on the outside but inside I'm totally fangirling because she followed me! So everyone vote if you read extemporaneousx's story and comment if you want her to update! I will follow you if I see your comment.

I know many of you have requests for me to read your stories and I said I will put them on here. I will! Some of your stories I haven't read yet because I am busy with school and theater and there is a bunch of you! But your story will be in here I just have a line. I update every morning except weekends but I update double on Monday mornings.

I also wanted to say that everyone that has asked me to read their books and/or if your book is in here, I wanted to say I love them bunches!  I'm so jealous cuz I read your guys books but then I read my own and it's like putting gold and poop  next to eachother!So I decide I'm going to do that with every part I post. Just comment if you read it and liked it or even if you didn't like it! Anyways sorry for the note again!)

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