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Future has always been something unknown to us, we would never know what could happen, time just passes, our future will turn to our past by the clicking of a clock, sometimes leaving us behind.

As a teenager, she always wanted a normal life, but as time passes, Stella Parker found herself and her friends in the middle of a great chaos, the chaos that a brain disease named 'Calamitous' made in their world, a world that was separated into two parts by an enormous metallic wall, one part for people who tried their best at finding a cure and the other, the people who felt a great passion for killing everyone who got in their way, just because they were suffering from Calamitous.

Stella always believed in one sentence "Future is unpredictable" and she understood the meaning of her own words when she met a boy named Harry.

Love cannot be controlled, even though there was a wall between them and a boundary of lies keeping them apart which seemed impenetrable because of secrets, love always seems to find a way through the hardest walls and coldest hearts.

"We must put an end to this nightmare."


(A/N: OMG I CANT CONTAIN MY EXCITMENT! SO EXCITED FOR 'MADE IN THE A.M' TO COME OUT!!!!!!!!!! OH MY AHDHDJSBRUXNSIZNAHC!!!!!! has anyone heard Infinity? I am actually crying because I can't believe it's been five years and I'm begging time to slow down. These boys have have accomplished so much no matter how much they went through. I feel like this is the most important album because it shows that they were still able to come together after Zayn left and after all the rumors. I am so proud of them. I love them so much my heart honestly feels like it is bursting! Can I get some votes for these boys?)

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