Happy Mistakes

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Once upon a time, in the land of Bradford, Wait- what the f*** am I saying? This isn't a d*** fairy tale.

Okay, so basically, Sapphire Sertori. Hot body, innocent church girl, well.....maybe not so innocent anymore. Life just goes to show you, perfection can be a b****.

Then there's Niall. 1/5 of the most popular gang at school. Gets a lot of girls. But only wants a certain one. The one that doesn't give a s*** what he says. He's a puppy under her control, but she only needs the bad***........

Harry. Leader of the gang and 100% the most sexiest guy in school, as all of the Earth already knows. All the guys want to be him. All the girls want to be with him. To bad he's only up to one night stands. Does whatever he wants and whoever he wants. His motto-'Rules? Screw em' probably been with every girl in the school. All except her.

Their lives are practically tangled in knots. Will Sapphire find the right prince to her fairy tale? Or will she have to go through a bunch of Happy Mistakes first? Although she seems perfect, her life is about to get f***** up big time. Never trust a blonde church girl, especially if she says f*** ;)
Niall Horan
(A/N: Wow.....so this one is the most foul language I have done. So sense I'm not completely comfortable with cursing on the internet, I just put stars because I know you guys know what I mean ;) I just hope the author isn't mad.....)

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