That One Day

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Important authors note at the end
One phone call was all it took. That one phone call left me sitting there, sobbing, telling myself to be strong, even when I knew I couldn't. I thought nothing was going to be okay when they left, I mean what was I going to do? I was only 13, so small, so young. I wasn't an idiot. I knew that whatever happened was going to make my life change dramatically. I thought these things only happened in books, but boy was I wrong. I was wrong as soon as I peered into those brown eyes of Liam Payne. It all changed when that stupid nutter from Doncaster adopted me. Wanna know the full story? It all started with a band. My name is Taylor Cassidy, and boy do I have a story to tell.


(A/N: I know I have done this one before, but the author has edited the book and changed the description, so I changed it in here too. The exciting part is, I helped her write it! OMG it was so exciting! But full credit goes to her, I just wanted to share my exciting news with you. Also I wanted to say, I won't be on at all next week bc I have fall break and my family has something planned. So sorry! That is why I'm double updating :) )

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