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I wake up in an empty room.
It's cold, wet and smells horrible.
It smells like the houses of old people, mold-divested, like death.

I'm laying on the floor, when I sit up it takes a while until my eyes get used to the darkness, but after some time I can see the walls around me.
They are dirty, words written down on them, some are even cut into the walls.
It's dark, so I can't tell for sure, but maybe there's blood at the walls.
The room looks like a cell in a mental institution, not how it should be, but how it would look like in a horror movie.

I remember that I was ment to get into a mad house, but I didn't thought it would be like this.

I slowly turn around, to get a look over the whole room.
There's a door at the other side, luckily it's open.
At first I think I'm all alone, but then I see her.

She's tied on the wall, her wrists, where she's tied, are black from old, dry blood, her shoulders are in a strange angle, probably hanging from a wall wasn't healthy for her.

She opens her eyes.

I'm used to this, I always see them, everywhere.
Most time they are girls, sometimes boys.
They all are dead, nobody else can see them.

They never talk, but sometimes they move their mouths, like they would like to.

That's why I'm here.
Even I don't think that I should be here, no one is around, I don't think that anyone used this building in a long time.

So, why am I here?

My heart is beating way to fast in my chest, I'm breathing heavily.
I have to get out of here.
As fast as I can.
Leave this building.

I walk through the door of my cell and see a long, dark hallway, with doors that look just like the one I just stepped out.
I walk past all of them, but in some I can hear nails, scratching against the walls, desperate, insane whispers, loud, scared screams.
I don't know if they are real or not, but I won't stop to find out.

At the end of the hallway is a door, but behind just more closed doors wait.

When I'm half through the next hallway suddenly a door opens and a girl steps out.
She's dead of course, looks like suicide, she wears a rope around her neck and her face is blue.

I want to ignore her, but she does something I didn't expect.
She talks.

'He said he would love me. He said I was beautiful. He said he would love me.'

I'm shocked, but I don't have time to think about it, other doors open now, more girls come out.

'He said he would visit me again'

'He promised he wouldn't leave me'

'He said I'm special'

'He said I'm as radiant as the sun'

And again and again, a chorus of nearly one hundred voices

'He said he would love me'
'He said he would love me'
'He said he would love me'
'He said he would love me'
He said he would love me'
'He said he would love me'
'He said he would love me'

All the dead girls, nearly singing, a group of corpses with signs of pain and suffer and illness, with scars, repeating this sentence, again and again.

They start to get closer to me, closer with every second, and when I start to go back they're following me.
I start to run, hear them behind me, their loud steps and their screams about love, and I want to scream with them, and I want to get away from them.
It's dark and I don't know this place, so I'm running blind along the hallways, until I can feel them begin so close.

I know they are dead.
Dead people aren't real.
What's not real can't hurt you.

But probably they can.

I fall over my feed and land on the floor.
I'm crawling into the darkest corner I can reach, where I sit now, as curled up as I can, pressed my eyes close, covered my ears with my hands.
Waiting for them to come.

Nothing happens.
I open my eyes, I'm alone in a dark room.
There are two doors, the one I came through, and one of the other side of the room.

The first door is closed, a chair is put under the door handle.
I can hear scratching noises and whisper behind it.
The other door is open and looks like someone just went through it.
Someone who might have put a chair under the door handle.

Since I don't have a better option anyway, I decide to go through it.

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