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After I slept for some hours I open my eyes.

This time I'm not confused, I know where I am immediately.
I'm with Will.

I feel better now, even my body still hurts, I'm still hungry and thirsty and hella scared.
But at least I'm not alone anymore.

Will is sitting next to me on the ground, reading an old looking book.
He smiles at me when he sees that I'm awake.

He smiles so much.
I don't know when I smiled for the last time.

'You're awake?'

'Yes.' I sit up

'What are you reading?'

'One of the books laying around here. I wanted to become a doctor before they brought me here.
Not a scary one, of course. One that really helps people.'

'That's cool. We're going to get out of here, okay? We can do this. You're going to be a doctor.'

He smiles at me again.
I love Will's smile.
Suddenly a thought slips my mind. I look up to the light bulb.

'How do you even have light here?'

'I don't know. Sometimes it doesn't work anyway... it's pure luck, I guess.'

'How can you call your situation luck?'

'It could always be worse, couldn't it?'

How can one be this optimistic?

'You're such a sunny person'

He laughs

'I used to hear this a lot.'

But then his face turns sad

'I miss the sun. And the fresh air. You know, sometimes I can get a glimpse at the sky, it's reflecting on the water from the tank. Must be a special angle.'

He's smiling, but in an incredible sad way. It's breaking my heart to see Will like this, even I barely know him.
But I want him to be happy.

'Can I help you with something?'

I ask, to change the topic.

'No, not really. Here's not much to do, it's incredibly boring. Just tell me something about you. I haven't talked to someone for so long.'

'There's not much to tell about me.'

'I'm sure there is. Please. Just tell me everything that slips to your mind.'

I usually hate to talk about myself, I hate to talk at all, but Will really looks so interested. Not like he wanted to judge me, just like someone who wants to listen.

So I start to talk about things.
Not about the dead people I see.
Not about all the medicines that tried to help me and failed.
I talk about happy things.

About how great my mom could cook.
About my sisters.
About my dads dog.
About hundred of other things.

After a while Will starts to talk too.
At the beginning you can hear that he hadn't in a long time, but after a while his voice sounds beautiful, the stories he tells are like songs he sings in his own melody.
It doesn't matter what he tells me, I love to hear him anyway.

And suddenly we have to tell each other so much, actually pointless things we never talked about before to anyone, because they never seemed necessary, but do now.

I haven't said this much in my whole life and after what feels like hours we both fall asleep, side by side.

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