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I just opened my eyes and there was burning bright light.

I open my eyes again, carefully and slow this time.
It's just a small, weakly glowing lightbulb above me, but I'm not used to any light anymore.

I'm laying on something that seems to be kind of a laboratory table.
I start to panic immediately.
Who picked me here and why?
What is going to happen?

I remember the steps behind me, the warm breathe, the cold needle, the endless darkness.

No. Please no.

Someone is entering the room.
I'm to scared to move, I couldn't run away anyway, I'm to weak, to slow at the moment.

'You're awake?'

I'm surprised.
The voice sounds young, friendly...warm.

I guy's face appears in front of my view.
He looks....good.
Not like he would torture me.
He looks nearly familiar, but I don't think that I ever saw him before.

'I'm sorry for knocking you out. And for scaring you. I just wanted to be careful.'

He softly touches my arm, but I start to scream.
I don't even really know why, but I'm suddenly so scared.

'Sorry. Please, you have to let me touch you. You got cuts all over your body, I have to look for them, or it will just get worse. You have to trust me'

He speaks in a calm, friendly way and got a really sunny smile.
To look at him make me feel so much warmer.
And I do,
I do trust him.


I sit up, so I can see the whole room.
It's not very big and the lightbulb over my head is the only source of light here, but it's still the warmest and friendliest place I have seen in this building.

In one corner I can see a mattress.
There aren't very much other furniture in the room, just the table I sit on and a shelf.

'I'm Will, by the way.'
the guy says while getting a bandage out of one of the shelves.

'Nico. Can...can we get out of here? What is this? Why am I here? Why are you here?'
The questions run out of my mouth faster than I can think.

'This was a mental institution some years ago, I don't know any details.
I got attacked on a street about 2 months ago, then I woke up here.
I don't know why. Or who did this.'

'I woke up here too. But why...are you still here? Can you-' I'm afraid of asking. What if he thinks I'm insane?

Well, I am insane

But I need him. He's nice and he can help me and he's a human. I have to ask him, he will notice that there's something wrong with me anyway.
'-can you see them too?'

'The girls that attacked you? Of course. They are the reason I'm still here. Every time I tried to escape they attacked me. Luckily I found water and some stuff down here. It's okay. I could survive.'

'But they are dead. This aren't normal people.'

'No. I try not to think about this to much. I- I'm afraid I may drive into insanity. Wouldn't be much a surprise at a place like this.'
Will is laughing nervously, but I can see the fear in his eyes.

'Maybe we can...fight them? Together?'
I say. Maybe we could. Maybe two persons are enough.
But I'm still not sure if they are real.
They can't be real.
But Will can see them too, so maybe they are?

'Sure. We will try. But first you have to get fine again.'
Will smiles at me know, he's still putting bandages around my cuts.
'What did happen to your hand? This looks horrible'

He's holding the hand I - well, ate.
I decide better not to tell him about this.
I can't even look at my hand.

'Nothing special. I just...grabbed into some broken glass. That's all.'

I don't really think that he believes me, but he doesn't say anything, he just keeps holding my hand.
It feels nice.

'You should eat and drink something. And then probably sleep. How do you feel?'
He looks at me worried, but in a friendly way, like he would care about me, and not like he would be scared, like people usually are.

'It's okay, I guess.'
'I'll see if I can find some medicine.'
'You don't have to, I'm fine.'
'Sure, you are.'

Will picks me up from the table and leaves the room, some seconds later he comes back with some water and something that could be a soup.

'Thanks. How do you get this all?'

'I found a water tank down here, every time it's raining it get filled again. The water isn't perfect clean, but it's better than nothing.
And with the rests of the food they had here I was able to plant some eatable things. It's not much, but enough to survive.'

Wow. That's...amazing.
I just ran around screaming and he managed it to get his shit together and survive.


'Well...I don't know how long it will last.'

'Now, that I'm here...probably you should just, you know... I don't want to be a problem...'

'Don't talk like this! I'm so happy that I found someone to talk to. The last weeks.... it was hell.'
His eyes are empty now. That's probably how I look too.
But when he looks at me they start glowing again.
I feel so warm and happy when he looks at me.
No one ever looked at me like this.

'You should sleep now. Don't worry, you're safe here.'
He smiles at me and leads me to the mattress in the corner of the room, where he forces me to lay down.

I'm so tired.

Even I feel bad for just eating his food and sleeping in his bed with nothing to give back, I'm so thankful.

He covers me with a blanket.
It smelled really terrible once, I guess, but now it mainly smells like Will.
Really good.

I'm already drifting into sleep when I feel his soft lips on my forehead and hear a kind whispering voice

'Good night'

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