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(I just realized that nearly all chapters start with Nico waking up :/ Maybe waking up will be our always...but seriously, sorry)

When I wake up, the lightbulb is still weakly shining.
I realize that Will and me are cuddled together on the mattress.

It's strange - that I like it, that I can even feel for him this way, under this circumstances.
And even more surprising is that he seems to like me back.

I don't know what exactly is going on, but I'm way more happier than I should be.

I mean, of course I still want to get out of here, I still want to escape, this place is horrible and terrifying in so many ways.

But for the moment it feels so right.
To lay here, my head on Will's chest, feeling his breath, his arms wrapped around me.

It's the first time in years I feel warm.
I hope I won't lose Will if we get out of here.
It's wrong, I don't even know him and he has a family, and friends who are waiting for him, who miss him, but I feel closer to him than to any person in years.

It's not about the way he looks, even he's still attractive, and must have way more before he got to this place of torture, and it's also not about that he saved me from the corpses, our from dying at all.
It's just him.

I'm not even sure in what way I feel for him - if I like him, if I have a crush on him, if I love him - I don't know, it just seems right to be here, to be close to him, to feel his body next to mine.

I haven't let any people come near me for so long.
I pushed everyone away, trusted no one, felt more than just uncomfortable around every person, because I was afraid they would hurt me, or even worse I would hurt them.

But with Will it's something else.

He's waking up now too, his eyelashes flash open.

'Morning. Did you sleep well?'

He's smiling and pulls me even closer to him, and that's how we lay there for a while.
Finally we stand up and have some water and food.
Will is checking on my injuries.

'Can we already try to get out here?'
I ask hopefully.
'Not yet. Give it a while.'

How can he be so calm?
If I would have been down here alone for such a long time...

But otherwise, when you've lived in this hell for weeks, some days more probably don't matter anyway.

'Okay. So what are you usually doing all day?'

'Mostly reading. There's not much to do.'

'The things they did here, it's...'

'Yes, I know' Will smiles 'but most of the books are just normal medical books. Nothing you would have to worry about.'

'Okay.' I say again.
It's not okay that Will has to calm me down, I'm not that weak and he sure got more worries than me.

He must be so scared, I wish I could help him, but he's just standing there, looking like everything would be okay.
Like the whole situation wouldn't be that bad, everything could get fixed.

'What's the thing you'll do first when we're out here?'
I ask.
I can't say if we get out here.
We will. I can't question this.
Will deserves to be happy.

'I don't know. Breathe I think. The air in here is so bad. And eat something. Real food you know? And I'll find my family of course. And probably we should tell the police how we got here. There are so many things.'
He smiles hopefully.
'And you?'

'I... I don't know'
I just realize this.
I still don't know who put me here and why.

But if I go back to my family, they'll pick me in the mental institution I was supposed to go to.
But just to think about it.

I won't enter one ever again.
I can't.

But I still need help.
All this dead people, I want them to disappear.

And I'll lose Will.
He may be with me know, but he'll return to his family and friends and I'll be alone.

'Don't worry. If you got nowhere to go you can stay with me.'
Will's smile is as bright as the sun.


'Of course'

And for the first time in years I smile.

Will gets closer.
I stood laid against the table in the middle of the room, so I can't move back.
I probably wouldn't anyway.

He's now right in front of me.

'Why should I let you go?'

And then he kisses me.

First it's soft, careful and I'm to surprised to do anything.

But after a while I start to repeat the kiss and it's getting more passionate.

His body presses mine against the table, I have my hands buried in his hair, feeling him everywhere.

After a while he's picking me up and carries me to his bed.

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