•Day 5 | Part 1•

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Xavier studied me, but I did my best to stare at a wall or the ground. At this time of day was when I found walls so completely interesting. I looked to the corner of my eye and Xavier was still watching me, as if I were a piece of meet. As if we're his prey. I tugged into my jacket, wanting it to be warmer. It was frigid and un-illuminated.

"Why so quiet human?" He asked. I looked up and he had an vile snigger on his devilish face. Ugh, he makes me so sick. The dark room made things worse, it made it so much more intimidating and nerve-racking.

"I don't feel like talking right now" I stated glancing back at the ground. I ran my fingers through my hair to push it away from my face. Even though it would have made it even more visible for Xavier to observe me. So I placed my head between my knees to ignore his presence. Which was difficult enough.

"You can talk to me, I'm a somewhat friendly guy" he winked and I rolled my eyes. He's trying to get something out of me? I just wanted to be left alone, miserably annoyed and in pain. Both physically and mentally. My ankle is still in recovery but sore and I can't bare this unhygienic and unsafe lifestyle any longer.

Being captured my werewolves is the most outrageous thing anyone could be told, yet I felt like I've dealt with it well. But they're killers, who kill innocent people including me. They're murderers.

"No, I'm good at keeping my feelings to myself. Like I said I don't want to talk to anyone" I answered and he leaned forward in his chair, whilst his elbows rested on his knees. This made him directly face me, I shifted my body uncomfortably.

"Well you sure are good at opening up to Derek huh? What makes him so special? Why does he get all the gossip?" His smirk turned into a depraved frown, his eyes were pierced into mine. I knew he wanted to kill me then and there. I took a deep breath trying to stay calm and serene.

"It's really none of your business what Derek and I talk about" I immediately stopped talking realising I shouldn't have said what I said. I should just keep my mouth shut and not fire him up in any way possible. After all, he is a rapidly killing machine.

"Not my business? I'm the Alpha, ok! Everyone's business is my business. Got that?!" He attempted to stand up but sat back down. My heart began pumping out of my chest, he's really frustrated. His knuckles turned white from gripping onto the chair too tight.

"O-ok" I responded. He rubbed the back of his head roughy and sat back in his chair. He watched and stared down at me, leaving me in the corner agitated.

"Now, let's try this again shall we? What do you and Derek do when your alone?" He lightly stroked his chin and waited for me to respond. I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it back up immediately. What do tell him? What response was he waiting for? I gulped down my saliva thinking long and hard to how to respond to Xavier's alarming question. I don't want to say anything wrong because I don't want Derek to get the blame for anything nor in trouble. Did he want to have the first watch on purpose to ask me these questions? Well, it worked for him, didn't it? He's beyond daunting, he tapped his finger still lingered for me to answer.

"I'm waiting, I haven't got all day" he spoke and I jumped out of my thoughts. Here goes nothing.

"Umm..stuff" I accidentally blurted out, I saw his fist curl up as his jaw clenched together. Now what have I done? I should've just said anything apart from what I just said.

"Mila if you won't tell me, I'm going to have to come over there and make you say it. Whether it involves torturing you or killing you. Now...answer me!" Xavier stood up and yelled. I plunged my body into the corner huddled up in a ball of fear. I breathed heavily and my repetitive electrical shocks traveling around my terrified body.

"I thought Aaron was meant to kill me?" I asked. I'm making things worse, but I don't want him to think I'm not strong and that I can't protect myself. Because, he thinks I'm an easy target, which I'm not.

"Stop asking irrelevant questions. I'm a wolf, your a human scared sh**less. You really want to mess with me!? Because you don't want to see me my bad side! Do you?" His face turned red and he growled at me. He slowly walked closer, closer and closer. Every step shook the floor, they were full of displeasure and resentment.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some type of animal. When really your the wild and undomesticated killing creature who wants me dead in a matter of seconds" I commented shaking rapidly, my heart was now in my throat. I continued to swallow, but I couldn't. My mouth was too dry. Sweat began to appear on my forehead and I quickly wiped it away tucking my knees back into my arms.

"You know Mila, I really don't know what you and Derek talk about down here? But I will find out whether one way of another!" His vicious eyes turned red and his teeth grew out of his mouth. He growled loudly and lunged towards me ready to attack. I screeched loudly, as I saw his face two inches from mine. He opened his mouth and slowly moved it closer to my ear as I could here his loud and reckless breathing. My eyes closed tightly and I took one last deep breath.

"Goodbye human" he whispered as he narrowed his teeth to reach my neck until his body was forcibly shoved to the wall. I gradually opened my eyes and saw Xavier against a wall. He recovered his hard fall and finally managed to stand back up. He intensely gazed in the opposite direction. He wasn't looking at me, someone else must be in the room. I turned my head to where Xavier was snarling at and it was a tall wolf with black hair and a tensed muscular body. His eyes beautiful big green/yellow eyes looked over to me and then looked back at Xavier. I watched as he rotated his neck clockwise making it crack. His fingers were stiffly moving and stretching out, they also cracked. I studied the body even harder to come to realise who it was. It was Derek.


Hello everyone! I hope you like this chapter but I feel like my chapter aren't long enough? Idk why, but if you agree, then comment and I'll try to do my best to make them longer.

I'm going to Queensland on MONDAY and I won't be back until the next TUESDAY!!! Can't wait! Anyway, so I might not update for a while but I will possibly be working on it and I'll see how I go when publishing it.

Vote, share, comment, follow and happy reading! -B xx

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