9 Months Later

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A/N: I'm sorry guys, I honestly cannot write in between these 9 months... You want action, I'll give it ya' lol, don't mind me.

"How have my waters not broke yet?" I whined repeatedly as I stuffed my face with icing glazed doughnuts.

"Maybe if you stopped eating-

"Why are you so mean to me?" I asked instantly sulking and eventually bursting into tears.

"I didn't mean-

"I don't care what you mean you bastard" I yelled, again stuffing my face with the beautiful and quite prettily decorated doughnuts.

"Get me some water" I demanded with my mouthful.

Joshua filled my glass with water and placed it next to me instantly knowing he shouldn't argue, he's been through the worst with me.

I gulped down the water insanely, the thirst I was enduring could kill.

Minutes after I'd stopped eating and drinking, liquid oozed down my leg.

"Joshua, why am I- My waters, they've broke" I screamed almost fainting when I'd realised what was going on.

Joshua rapidly gathered all of the bags and rushed me to the car, we'd been waiting on this day and its finally arrived.

The drive to the hospital wasn't as I remembered, everything was a blur, we unloaded, well he unloaded while I waddled into the reception, I winced in pain every couple of minutes as the doctors opened up a room for me.

"Joshua, it hurts" I moaned as I was escorted to the delivery room.

"I know, I know, just listen to what the doctor says baby" he said in a soothing tone as I piled onto the bed.

"I'm going to fucking kill you when I'm done pushing this baby out" I threatened him as my body tensed up.

When I was on the bed correctly I made sure to grab Joshua's had, I needed all the support I could get at this point.

"On the count of three, push" the doctor stated holding up three fingers.

"I can count" I snapped with all guns blazing.

"One, T-

"Three" I groaned, pushing with all the might and strength I had conserved for this very moment.

"I didn't say- I can see the head" the doctor shouted urging for me to go on.

One more, I regained the power and released it all again in my own time, revealing my wailing curly haired baby to the people inside the room.

"It's a girl" Joshua cheered as the doctor cleaned off the baby so she could give her to me.

I silently received my baby girl, the blanket drowned her literally, her cries calmed as I rocked her gently, I pushed the blanket out of her face and kissed her lightly.

"My baby" I whispered exhaustedly, playing with her miniature fingers.

"Let me hold my princess" Joshua said as he reached over and lifted her out of my arms.

I didn't take my eyes off of her for one second, now that my daughter has made it here, our family is complete.

As my unnamed daughter was given back to me, I looked from Joshua to her, from her to Joshua.

Phew, they look alike too much not to be related.

I thought to myself, a weight was truly lifted off of my shoulders, my daughter fell asleep during the exchange between me and her father, so I handed her to the nurse.

"We're just going to run a few checks and what not" she assured us.

I nodded tiredly as I yawned leaning back onto the bed trying to make myself comfortable, sleep was at the top of my priorities list next to my daughter right now.

I felt my other baby, stroking my hair attempting to make me feel as peaceful as possible.

"Thank you" I whispered to him as I closed my eyes to catch some z's.

You're Doing It Wrong (YN) [Sequel]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora