Chapter 2

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This one goes to my friend MillennianLegend 😊
As I walked down the halls i saw Ally standing there buy my Locker me and her know a lot of stuff u could say she's my fallen angel sister as I met up with her she waved to me.

Where the fuck were you, ally said. Ahh there it is X-kid thought that loud raspy shrieking voice but she didn't mind or could complain she did the same thing herself. Some asshole pushed me in the halls, X-kid said clearly already fucking paranoid and pissed. Paranoid, Paranoid, Paranoid the voices in X-kid head kept whispering, Ahhh fuck she muttered under her breath.

Are you okay, ally asked
Yea I'm fine she said lets go to class. First period: Fucking sucked, she thought
Second period: ugh plz kill me
Third period: I wonder if If people are gonna stop writing smut when gee tops, she thought in her head X-kid started laughing then stopped when she noticed she was getting weird stares from people.
Fourth period: come on already when's lunch💁🏻
Fifth period: ughhhh fuck
Sixth period: Yass see ya later suckers, X-kid thought as she bolted out the door.

Ugh X-kid cried as she cut her knee, more, MORE, MORE, the voices in her head said. She stopped and put down her razor blade cleaned it off and put it away for later, when she walked out the bathroom door she hopped on her bed and turned up radio on blast damn this is my shit she said when Last night on earth came on and suddenly felt tired and drifted to sleep.

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