Chapter 3

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Your a dumb, stupid, ugly, worthless a voice said. STOP X-kid said , worthless worthless worthless WORTHLESS. STOP IT X-kid screamed she gasped as she jump up in her bed in a cold  sweat, breathing heavily she looked around but nobody there. Goddammit why? She asked seeking for a answer but knew she wasn't going to get one.

*next day*

As X-kid walked into school the next day she saw ally standing there waiting for her, hey kid!!! Ally shrieked in my ear, hi X-kid said glumly. Y'know summer is in two weeks what's ya plans, ally asked, oh y'know just violence & rock&roll, we should get to class before we get detention, she said. Are you ok, ally asked you seem unevem , I'm fine, kid said let's roll.


This one is for literalpetekeytrash too bc what the hell
Ill be trying to update more hope u enjoyed luv yas.mention a usermention a user

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