Cant sleep love

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I woke up it was a Saturday I got dressed and went to Mitchs house I knocked he opened it "what do you want?" He asked "I need to tell you something " he let me in I sat on the couch with him "Mitch I didn't do the first move to kiss Travis he kissed me " I said he shook his head "please Mitch believe me your own best friend" I said he got up and went to his room he started to yell I saw him walking tears on his face "you were right" he said I ran to him and I hugged him "did you try to talk to Scott?" He said I looked down and started to cry "I'll talk to him for you" he said I hugged him and I know he doesn't love me anymore.
Mitchs pov
Me and Aaliyah walked to Scott's house she stopped by the stairs and put her hoddie on and looked down and told me to go I knocked and Scott opened the door "Hey Mitch come in" he said I went in and sat down "so what bring you here?" He said "look Travis kissed her she never made the first move he did" i said to him "look I don't care about her anymore" he said kind of loud I look out the window and saw Aaliyah waking and got up instantly "you know you a jerk she loved you so much Scott! And you don't see that do you! She loved you so much she couldn't even stop talking about that and now your with another one?! And yea I got mad at her but she came and told me the truth!" I said yelling him I left and hugged Aaliyah I just wish this never existed

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