Is the relationship together?

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*3 years later*
I saw Scott and Kirstie like always and he came up to me "Hey is it okay if I could take care of Vespertine for the night?" he asked "No sorry I dont trust you anymore" I said and I left like nothing happened I went home and my little Vessi "Hi mommy" she said "Hey beautiful" I kissed her head and she went back to coloring her babysitter left and took her to see Scott who she hasn't seen ever since I came back from Orlando. I arrived at his apartment and knocked he opened the door Vessi was grabbing my leg because she was so shy "go with you daddy sweetie" I said grabbing her head she let go and slowly walked to Scott "Are you my daddy?" she said "I am your daddy sweetie" Scott said I felt a smile on her face and she immediately hugged him I smiled Scott gave me a wink and he smirked I smiled back Scott grabbed her hand "Are you and mommy married daddy?" she said I looked at him "No sweetie not yet im assuming" he said "Then why arent you with us daddy?" she said I looked at him "Vespertine Bride Hoying Smith you have a mind of an adult now you want to go get ice cream?!" I said happily "Yesss!!!!" she said we walked with Scott to the ice cream shop. We got to the ice cream shop and walked in line "What ice cream do you want Vessi?" I said to her "Strawberry" she said I smiled I ordered her the ice cream so did me and Scott "Hey Aaliyah I want to tell you do you want to go to dinner tomorrow?" he said I blushed "Sure does 8:00 sound good?" I said "sound good see you tomorrow?" i smiled and nodded we left and when I got home I couldn't stop thinking about him. Am I getting back together with him? Am I falling in love with him again? So many questions with no answers

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