lots of lies but failure

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I froze and snapped out of it "What are you talking about im not Aaliyah" I said he grabbed my shoulders gently "I know its you Aaliyah I recognized the voice" he said I stayed silent and looked down and started to cry he hugged me and I hugged him tightly he looked at me and touched my cheek I got lost in his eyes and we kissed "I'm sorry Scott but I need to go" I said backing out "no wait!" he said I ran and left I went to my home and I got a call it and answered it: Aaliyah: Hello?
Scott: Aaliyah is it you?
Aaliyah: Whos this?
Scott: Its Scott listen im sorry but just go outside.
He hung up and got outside and I saw him in a taxedo all the boys Avi, Kevin and Mitch were wearing it and Kirstie of course a dress they sing love you long time
Nobody ever loved me quite like you do your love is like, got a real girl and she loves me a lot and aint no other man going to take my spot and I I'm so happy your mine cause imma love you a long time.
After he finished it I started to cry he hugged me and said "Will you forgive me?" I nodded and said yes he grabbed something "I bought you this" it was a beautiful neckless he put it on me "Thank you so much Scott I love you" I said he smiled "I love you too" he kissed me it turned into a passionate kiss and after me, Vespertine and Scott were watching a movie the rest of the band left home for some rest after Vespertine fell asleep and took her into her room and me and Scott drifted to sleep like it was a perfect day, a perfect life but I forgot something my heart belonged to someone else.

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