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A/n: I decided to write this because it reminds me of my bestfriends death she was a cancer fighter she fought very hard but she gave up and let cancer win her I miss her and I also thought the song by Sam Smith Not in that way would go great in this story and yeah hope your enjoying this so far!
I dressed up Vespertine to a black flower dress and putted on her black converse and put her on black flower headband "Why am I dressed in black mommy?" she asks "Because grandma is in heaven" I said letting a tear out "Why did grandma had to go to heaven?" she said "She had to go because God is waiting for her" I said she nodded and she went to go play with her barbies I got dressed into a black dress and my black high heels and straightened my hair and put on black lipstick and black/purple eyeshadow and mascara, Scott was wearing black jeans and black button up long sleeve shirt and a tie and his shoes were black converse as well we went to the graveyard Vespertine threw the white and red roses and she said "I'll never forget you grandma say hi to God for me" she said Scott carried her and I saw the whole pentatonix band, my aunt's and uncles and cousins there and the priest Vessi looked at me and said "Will I ever see Grandma again?" I nodded "Yes you will and you will also see grandpa" I said she nodded Scott kissed me in the cheek I smiled "We are gathered here to bid farewell to Ana Michelle Smith Baker she will be in our hearts forever and now we have a representation to her only daughter Aaliyah Samantha Smith Baker" the priest said and I got up from my chair and walked over to where the priest was standing "Hello everyone for coming to my mother's funeral she was an amazing mother and I promise her that I'll never give up on my future and my family's future. I miss her so much she supported me through my pregnancy with my daughter I thought I broke her promise of me going to school and graduate and go to collage but I still went to school I didnt want to fail as me being her daughter, the woman who gave me this life and took care if me and now has to go I miss you mom I'll never let you down. Thank you." I said everyone clapped and I cried and sat down Scott pulled me into a hug and Vessi was with Mitch then it was Vespertines turn I took her but Kirstie took her instead "Hi everybody I loved my grandma I want her to come back please grandma come back" she said and started to cry Kirstie hugged her and sat her down by me I hugged her and the priest said "thank you so much for taking the time to come and giving a goodbye to Ana" everyone said her goodbyes and put flowers to her casket and everyone left and Scott and Vespertine went with Mitch to the park but I got home and I didnt even want to speak to no one not here not now not ever.

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