Need to tell Alex

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I woke up and got a message from Alex
Alex: hey you wanna hang out?
Aaliyah: sure let me just get ready I need to tell you something but i'd rather tell you in person
Alex: okay see you there
I quickly got dresses left a note and went to his place I knocked at his door "Hey Hazel" he said "Hey Alex" I said we hugged and I entered and sat down "so whats the news?" he said "Alex when did we had sex?" I said "Like 6 weeks ago" he said "did we use protection" I said "no didnt you use birth control?" he said "no I thought we used protection" I said "well its not my fault we didnt use protection!" he argued I started to cry "Well its not my fault im pregnant!" I yelled and left I drove back home and dried my tears and went inside seeing Scott still sleeping I got a phone call from Alex
Alex: hey hazel im so sorry I didnt mean to act like a jerk
Aaliyah: it's okay
Alex: want to go see how our baby is doing?
Aaliyah: yeah sure
Alex: great I'll pick you up see you in 15
I hung up and waited outside and saw Alex there I got in the car and went to the hospital we checked in and waited a few seconds later we got to the hospital I believe I was 7 or 6 weeks pregnant my belly kind of showed they put gel I was holding Alex's hand and saw the baby "the baby is doing fine and the heartbeat is going normal" the doctor said we nodded he came with the results "Im sorry but your having a miscarriage" the doctor said I fell "How?" I said "have you been drinking alcohol before you knew you were pregnant?" he said "I did just a little bit" I said "Thats what caused the baby to die, unfortunately, we have to get the baby out in a few weeks" he said I cried and left Alex dropped me off and went inside I didnt ate nothing and saw Scott "Hey your back" he said he kissed my forehead, I nodded "Whats wrong" he said I hugged him and cried "tell me whats wrong?" he said "I'm having a miscarriage" I said he just hugged me I hugged him tightly
Scotts pov (I know about time)
When I found out Aaliyah was pregnant by my enemy I was mad I didnt showed it I didn't want to be the next whinny kid stepdad I already have Vespertine she is a whinny kid that annoys me but when I found out she had a miscarriage I was happy I wasnt going to have another whinnyass baby I hugged her "but hey in the bright side he or she is with us forever baby we will do the best for Vespertine I hate seeing you cry babe I love you so much" I said she kissed my forehead "I love you so fucking much, your always good for a smile I never want to loose you no matter if we argue or one of us want to leave us I still want to be with you Forever." she said I smiled and kissed her Vespertine stayed for 2 or 3 weeks and shes going to stay for the surgery I will never have the brat in a while.
Hey guys do you like how Scott is acting? Do you think hes the bad guy? Find out #soon thx for reading I am so happy for making this story thank you guys see you #soon

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