Chapter one

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A/N (don't play song here)


Friend 1: hey you guys it's me Meg with my Purdy friend. *turns camera over to Mandy* Purdy say something

Mandy: *clicks tongue* Stay Purdy

Meg: you heard her you bitches Stay Purdy. So Purdy what's it like having a famous brother.

Mandy: *laughs* odd

Meg: how so

Mandy: you get....left out and then constantly reminded that you have a brother whom you haven't talked to in five years. Ever since he left. He's last words still ring in my mind.

Meg: what was his last words.

Mandy: "Stay Purdy"

A/N (Play song here)

Mandy POV

(Present day)

The school bell rang signaling a end to another day. But this day wasn't just any day. It was my favorite day. The last day of school. I grab what was left in my locker and almost bolted to the door.

"PUUUURRRRDDDAAAAYYYYYY." I hear my best friend Meg yells. It was my last day of my freshman year and apparently my brother was in a new band called Black veil Brides. Apparently they were really good. I decided to Check em out.

"Meg!!!!!"  I yelled seeing her run towards me and give me a big bear hug.

"we have to hang this summer."


"So you text me too ok."

"Of course I will you fucker." I noogied her and left out the door. When I got home there was no one home. Again. Of course not, no one was ever home. My parents left me After Ashley left. I missed him. I logged onto facebook and searched up Black veil Brides. I found there page and clicked like.  My picture of me on there was me with red lipstick bent over and sticking my tongue out with thick nerdy glasses on. Then I turned on my TV. Moments later. I noticed I had a friend Request. I opened it. It read.

Christian "CC" Coma wants to be your friend except or ignore I didn't know how that was but still I accepted it. Few seconds after  get a message saying.

Christian "CC Coma: hey aren't you Ashley Purdy's sister or is your name so happen to be Mandy and you changed your last name to Purdy and have him listed as your brother on here.

Mandy Purdy:  yes I'm his sister

Christian "CC" Coma: oh that's cool

Many Purdy: yup who are you

Christian "CC" Coma: Band member and friend of Ashley

Mandy Purdy: cool why are you talking to me?

Christian "CC" Coma: oh I was just wondering who you were sorry if I bothered you

Mandy Purdy: <.< your fine.  Lied down and stared at my ceiling. I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up. I felt empty inside. Great. I thought to myself. Three months of this I can't do this, not by myself. I looked down and posted on face book. See ya guys it would have been a lonely road. I got up and walked into the bathroom and got a knife and then saw I had 10 notifications. It was on my status , they read.

Hey you ok


Please respond I'm scared

Please stay

I care

I'll be here with you if you need anyone. And more like that. They were all from the same person. Christian Coma. I reply

You barley know me within seconds he replied

So I still care you're my friends sister he's be devastated if you go what about your parents.

Does he talk about me and they are gone

Not too often but please stay

Message me and he did. I told him about what happened to me. He ended up believing me. I begged him not to tell Ashley. He swore he wouldn't. I told him thanks and instead of him saying you're welcome he said.

Christian "CC" Coma: I'll always be her when you need a friend. I smiled and told him thanks.


As she was telling me this what happened to her when her and Ashley were kids. I looked over at Ashley who was flirting with another girl. Then looked at my phone. She set another message to me begging me not to tell Ash.  I just looked at Ash. How he would never know, how he could never know. How he will never know. I told her I wouldn't tell. But my heart was broken. Why because she was a sweet little girl and her brother was a whore. She's going through hell and her brothers sitting at the top. She has no one and her brother can get whomever he wants. She was dying, as her brother was living.

The Purdy's (a Christian &quot;CC&quot; Coma love story)  -Ashley Purdy fan fic-Where stories live. Discover now