Chapter four

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He pointes at the door and told me to get out. I looked down and hurried out of there. I got into my car and started it up. I kept one hand on the steering wheel and looked at the floor. The first time I meet her and I start stripping her. I admit I've been in love with her, but now she's going to think I'm some sort of hound dog who only wants her for sex. I sat there looking at the house, just not wanting to leave her.

Ashley POV

*flashback* (ashley is ren years old)

The day she was born everyone was so excited. Me I was furious and jealous I was no longer the only child. All the praise and attention was no longer going to me.

"Mr. Purdy you may see your wife and child now." The doctor said to my dad. My dad took my hand and led me into a room. Everyone was crowed around my mom.

"Ashley?" My mom said. "Would you want to see your new sister?" My mind screamed no, but my body started to move slowly to her.

I stood on a stool and peered at my others arms. There she was all pink and stuff wrapped in a towel. Her head had hair and her eyes were chocolate brown. She was fussing until she looked at me. “do you want to hold her?” she asked that. I just nodded. Mom handed her to me. “use your arms to support your head.” She continued resting her in my arms.

“She’s pink and all potato like. And heavy .” I said. I looked at her and she cooed. I instantly fell in love with my baby sister. “hi there.” I said to her. “I’m your big brother Ashley. I promise to be there for you and always to protect you forever ok?”

“Awe.” Every one said at the same time. I look at my mom.

“what’s her name?”

“Amandila, Amandila Purdy but Ash we will call her Mandy for short.” I look down at my baby sister.

“Mandy Purdy, My Purdy two.”

Mandy’s POV

*seven years later*

He was sitting in the living room playing video games.

“Ashley.” I said

“What pip squeak!” he said not taking his eyes off of the screen.

“Can you play with me?”



“Because the guys are coming over.” I frowned.

“But why Purdy one there mean to me.” He paused the game and looked at me.

“Mandy why don’t you play with your dolls or something.”

“But I want to play with my big brother.” The door bell rang, he looked at me sympathetically and touched my faded bruise . I flinch in pain. He never really questioned the bruises. He thought I was fine. He got up and answered the door and greeted his friends, they came in and saw me.

“well, well, well if it isn’t the little pip squeak.” Ryan said coming towards me. Once he was in front of me he pushed me down and fell on my butt. they laughed at me and tears began to fill my eyes. I looked over at Ashley in shock that he would stand there and let this happen. I stood up and ran to my room. I shut the door behind me. Later that night it was time for dinner.

“Ashley dinner time.” My mom yelled. I heard him run down stairs. Me I slowly walked down stairs and looked around the corner. They were sitting at the table about to eat.

“M…m…may I eat here tonight?” I asked for once hoping he wouldn’t come up stares and…did what he did.

“No...Get back up stairs I’ll bring you Dinner when were done.” My father said. I knew no fathers love. I turn around to here Ashley say.

“Why does she get to eat upstairs? Why does she get special treatment? Why do you love her more?” I walk back upstairs seeing no end to this. Hurting deep down inside that my older brother, my savior thought I was “fine.” I heard them putting away the dishes. And footsteps coming up the stairs. I knew that the plate he healed was empty like always. I scooted into the back of my room knowing it wasn’t going to do anything. It was pitch black in my room. Like always. The door creped open and he stood in the door way. He stepped in and closed it behind him.

“Mandy.” He said

“daddy please can you stop this it hurts so much now I don’t know how long I can keep hiding the bruises.” There was silent’s then he smacked me across the face.

“you know the drill.” Of course I did I have done this many times before? I started to take off my clothes as my father took off his. When I was done. I sat in a corner until he grabbed me, lied me down and forced himself on me. There was no use of kicking and screaming, my mother let this happen as she his Ash from it. To save the perfect one. the best big brother and the only son they had. This happened everyday since I was 7. To “save the family” from what I didn’t know but continued until Ash left.

*five years later*

He had his bags packed and I knew so did my parents.

“Ashley please stay.” I said. He was leaving to live his life as a rock star.

“I wish I could Purdy two but I got to go out and live my dream.” I looked at him with sadden eyes. I look at my parents who were about to go.  I looked down he was already putting his bags onto the bus. He looked back at me and stared at me for a long time. “Hey Purdy two.”he said


“Stay Purdy.” I looked at him as he got on the bus. I mouth the words I love you as the bus pulls away. Thirty minutes later my parents go. I just stare at the car until it was out of sight. Then head back in. I turn on the radio and hear Ashley’s band it was there where I first took the blade the pills and the knife. It was there I woke up and I cried and I never felt so alone.

*present day*

I told him what happened what my parents did. How I was in love with CC and how he helped me. I told him everything.

When I was done he looked at me.

“You’re fucking lying.”

“She’s not lying or she wouldn’t of told me the same thing.” I look at my door, standing there was CC.

“You don’t believe me?” I said looking up at him.

“I…I…do but I don’t want to. He did that….cause you’re a girl.” I nodded slowly.” CC walked in slowly. He knelt down beside me and wrapped his arms around me and I cried. When I was done crying I looked up at ash and he had tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry I never knew.” Ashley said and hugged me.

“You Purdy’s have one hell of a life.” CC said I chuckle and look at the floor.

“Why did you even come here.” I ask Ashley.

“because Purdy two…I missed you.”



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