Chapter two

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Mandy’s POV

I sat there music blaring I was starving when I get a text from CC saying.



What’s up

Nothing I brought you up to your brother today

Oh…what did he say

Said he hasn’t talk to you in while then it got awkward  I laughed and responded

Lol I miss him..alot

You should come out and visit us.

Visit? I cant even afford dinner tonight or ever.

How do you survive


So you don’t eat

Almost nothing I’m becoming homeless no one’s paying the house

You know what give me your address I’ll send you checks for everything you need


Yes babe

Lawl did you just call me babe?

Yes  but I don’t think that maters

XDX lawl

Wtf does lawl mean

-_-  it’s what lol sound like

Oh ima call you

K then my phone rang

“Hello .”

“Hello.” CC said


“Hellooo? I turn off my music.


“Oh there you are.” I sat in a chair.

“yea the music was on.” CC laughed. “what’s so funny?”

“nothing you have a nice voice.”

“ew no I don’t.”

“Well I think its…Purdy.” I laugh hysterically out loud.  When I was done I picked up my phone from ym floor.

“You ok.”

“Depends on what you mean.”

“You laughed.”

“Yea I’m cool.”

“You ok?”

“You just asked that.”

“No like are you ok in general?”

“I miss Purdy one and everyone I knew.”

“You call him Purdy one.”

“He is Purdy one.” CC chuckled and I yawned.

“You stay in Cali right.”

“yea I still live in the same home I was raised in.”

“And Ashley doesn’t know a thing.”

“Not that I know of.”

“And you don’t try to contact him.” I played with some beads that was on my desk.

“I do he never replies to me.”

“you should tell him. Just straight out.”

“I have sent him a text telling him straight up what happened to me. He never said anything about it. I hate it here CC it’s so…” I trailed off afraid my voice would give out. Was I crying yes, did I want someone here with me? Yes, was I happy CC was there for me? Yes. I had no idea why he had chosen to continue to talk to me.

“So what?”  CC said interrupting my train of thought .

“I don’t know.” I sniffled

“Are you crying?” he asked me. I wiped the tears from my face.

“No! I have allergies!” he sighed.

“Look, our tour is about to be over in a few weeks. When we are done I promise I’ll come see you.” My face was hurting from al the silent tears falling. “Hello.” CC said.

“Uh. I’m still here.” I said softly

“good cause I don’t want you to ever leave me ok?” I let out a soft sob that was mixed in with  a scoff. Then I heard in CC’s back round.

“CC you have to come see what we just fuckin found. Who are you on the phone with” CC made a grunting noise and I heard a “What.”  Then CC said to me.

“Mandy I have to go your brother is psyched about something. I’ll text you I promise.” He cleared his throat as if he had to say something else.

“bye.” I said.

“ye.” He said. And I hung up the phone and turned my TV on.


After I hung up I followed Ashley out to the living room. They were all huddled around the Andys laptop. Apparently they found some funny video. I walk over and watch with them when the video was done Ashley looked over at me and asked

“Who were you on the phone with you never answer calls.”

“No one you would know Purdy one.”  The laughter in the room slowly died. Jinx Andy and Jake looked at each other, then Ash then me. Ash inhaled and sat down. Ash looked at me.

“My sister was the only one who ever called me Purdy one.” Ash said. “Miss her.”

“If you miss her why don’t you drop her a line.”

“She hates me CC I know I abandon her. She’s fine anyway she has mom and dad.” It was quite sad how he thought his little sister was fine. When in reality she was hurt. I nod at him and take out my phone and text Mandy.

Your brother says he misses you. But he thinks your fine…

The Purdy's (a Christian "CC" Coma love story)  -Ashley Purdy fan fic-Where stories live. Discover now