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Santa Monica Pier

Detective Marty Deeks scanned the area before he made his way under the Santa Monica Pier. He couldn't risk being followed. Reassured he was safe, he swiftly moved underneath the wooden structure, the waves crashed against the pylons, battling an ongoing war between water and tree. It didn't take him long to find the lone figure sitting against one of the pylons, watching his every move. "You know, everyone is worried about you. Sam is testy, Hetty has hedged herself in with invisible walls. What's going on?"

The cerulean orbs of G. Callen stared back at him. His hair had grown to the lengths when he had been undercover as Stephen Walinski, his beard slightly longer. He was almost unrecognisable except for those eyes.

Marty Deeks scratched his head as he sat down beside his former team leader. "We all miss you. We're lost without you."

Callen fisted his hands on his bunched up knees to his chest. "You'll all get over it."

Deeks studied him, he'd lost a great deal of weight, hollows deepened in his cheeks, shadows hung under his eyes. "That's where you're wrong. We won't. Not until you return home."

Callen gave a muffled chuckle, even for him, it sounded foreign. "Home. I've never had a home. Only temporary locations of residence."

"That's crap, and you know it." Deeks heaved out a sigh. "If you're going to continue to be such a jerk and push everyone that matters away, then I'm out of here."

Callen grabbed his arm causing a rush of pain to his upper arm. Deeks' eyes widened, caution heightened for the Detective. "I need your help." It had been a huge ask for Callen to rely on the Detective, but it was his last chance. He quickly released the hold on his arm, "I'm sorry."

Marty rubbed his arm, the throbbing continued but he'd live. "What do you want?"

"I need you to get access into LAPD's system, find out how the Comescus got access to my alias and about my personal life."

"You think the leak came from there?"

"I don't think, Deeks, I know. Someone is on their payroll. That someone has to pay."

"You're not going out for revenge on your own? Sam will kill me if he finds out I've helped you, and I've not told him."

"Then make sure he never finds out," Callen growled.

"Nell and Eric are trying their best, they've been searching for all known contacts to the Comescus inside the U.S. for the past five weeks. All other cases have been passed onto other teams. We're here for you."

"You're all in danger, Deeks. They'll pick you all off one by one. If I stay, you'll all die. I can't risk it. I just need the name of the person who leaked my details and then I'm out of here."

"You know we can take care of ourselves and that we're already in this with you, whether you like it or not."

Callen's blue eyes became cold as ice. "Did you lose your pregnant wife?"

Deeks shuddered, "no. I never knew she was pregnant, I'm so sorry..."

"No one knew except for..." a spark of recognition entered Callen's eyes. "The doctor." How did he not think of this before now? He stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To kill someone." He narrowed his eyes, every muscle in his body tensed.

"Oh no you're not." Deeks' synapses worked in record time, he grabbed his cuffs and wrestled Callen to the ground.

"Get off me, you bastard."

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