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Callen suddenly wish they had Kensi there. He looked at the surrounding buildings to the warehouse where Andrei and his men were. They would have been perfect for Kensi to wait and pick them off one by one. But they couldn't have her, he couldn't be selfish any more than he had on this operation. Milly needed one parent around if this all went south. He looked to Deeks for direction, now that he'd proven to be the team lead on this.

Deeks signalled for Ava and Sal to take the west entrance, Sam and Nell the south, and Granger and Nikita the north. Callen and Deeks stood at the front, ready to enter. On the count of three, Deeks whispered into the comms, three.

They entered the warehouse swiftly. They could hear laughter from further inside the building, their invasion was unnoticed. Callen looked to Deeks and nodded. They moved up the corridor to where they heard the laughter and waited. They could hear the others move inside and waited for Deeks' command.

Marty Deeks' heart was strumming through his chest, the adrenaline was coursing through at the anticipation of battle. "Now." He whispered.

Gunfire scattered around the inner sanctum of Andrei Comescu's warehouse. Shelves of illegally attained weapons were being packed into boxes ready for shipment to Sudan. Andrei and his men found cover behind boxes and fired their weapons back. They had no clue who had entered and anger flared in his eyes when he realised that he and his men had let their guard down. They'd become cocky, that no one would dare to bother them. Now they were surrounded and the only way out was by shooting the intruders.

Sam pulled Nell back and pointed to a box of explosives. "We could aim at that box, it would create an explosion."

"We need to warn the others to pull back." She looked at him worriedly, he agreed.

"Pull back, about to make something explode."

Granger, Deeks and Ava responded. After a count to sixty, Sam fired his weapon directly at the explosives and dived for cover.

The building shook, black smoke billowed out of windows that shattered from the explosion. Car alarms beeped, but inside the warehouse it was silent.

Sam tried to move but he was trapped under shelving that had collapsed from the explosion. He tried to look for Nell, her worried expression appeared from above. "Get out of here while you can, Nell."

"I'm not leaving you, Sam. I could never look Michelle in the eyes again if I left you."

"Sam, are you okay?" Deeks' worried voice came over the comms.

"Sam's trapped under some shelving, it's too heavy for me to lift." Nell answered, as she tried to find something to lever the shelving from off him. Nell swung around when she heard footsteps, Andrei stood there holding a gun at her. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, she had no where to find cover. She dropped her weapon and raised her hands.

"You. I knew you were no good." He snarled at her. "Tricking my brother into thinking you were a sweet innocent girl."

"My friend, he's stuck, please help him," she feigned innocence.

Andrei's eyes shifted to the shelving, as he did, he felt someone hitting him from behind. He struggled as he fought whoever it was who had taken him by surprise.

Nikita Reznikov fought with all he had as he wrestled the Comescu who had killed his daughter-in-law and only grandchild. "Blood for blood," he repeated his son's words. Nikita fired off the shot, killing Andrei, but as he pulled himself off him, he realised he too had been shot by Andrei. He stumbled back, blood poured out of his abdomen.

Deeks and Callen arrived, their eyes widened at the scene before them. Andrei Comescu laid dead on the ground, Nikita looked over at his son in shock.

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