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Owen Granger walked along the water front towards a cafe and sat. He looked through the menu while glancing towards the beach house. He spotted Nell instantly and his hand couldn't reach is cell quick enough.

"Owen." Hetty continued to watch her protege at work with Luca via her laptop.

"Silvia." His gravelly voice told her they'd found out much since their arrival.

"You've found her."

"Yes we did. Or should I say Georgi did."

"He found his name." A smile spread across her face, pleased. At last her boy has his name. Her heart swelled inside her chest with happiness.

"Yes he did." He sighed, "you better have a good reason why your young companion is dining beside the beach with a stranger." He kept his eyes focused on Nell, although to those around him, he was studying the menu.

"Aah! You've spotted Mirela. She's progressed much faster than I had anticipated. It appears young Luca Comescu has a weak spot for hazel eyes."

"You know he won't approve of this move, he's here meeting someone."


"Yes. Just how much of his family have you and your companion found?" He kept his conversation on the low, nothing to set off alarms if there were any ears listening out for the Comescu family.

"His grandmother and her niece."

"And what about his father?"

Hetty furrowed her brow, "impossible. My search for him came to a dead end. Literally. He died in 2008. We've already been through this, Owen." Her impatience slipped through.

"He's a ghost, like his son. Good at disappearing. But he's well and truly alive. We've seen him at the house."

Hetty hitched her breath, her pulse quickened. "He's alive?"

"That's what I said." Owen threw the menu flat onto the table and indicated to a waiter he was ready to order. His stomach grumbled, they'd left without eating. Two meals missed.

Her synapses worked fast, "I knew he was good, but I didn't think he could hide that well from me."

"You should, he's evaded you for forty years. Now, how do you want your companion relieved?"

"She can manage fine on her own. It's best no one makes contact with her while she's undercover."

"Where are you?"

"Close by. Safe. I'm watching her on my laptop."

"Good. We might need you." He disconnected the call and ordered his meal.

A nearby alleyway

Callen and Deeks walked behind the buildings up an alleyway. They trusted Owen that this was the right location. A vehicle sat facing away from them. They could just make out the images of a man and a woman in the front seat. They joined them, climbing into the back of the vehicle. "You better have a damn good explanation for drugging us last night." Callen's eyes turned to ice as he glared at his mother's cousin. "You're family, I should be able to trust you, but I've learned that lesson."

"Georgi, I'm sorry. You needed the rest and I couldn't afford to have you and your team barge into the Comescu beach house and get yourself killed. Too many of us have risked our lives to protect you." He saw the sadness in her eyes. He'd learned from his grandmother just how many of her family had been killed in this blood feud already. It was time to put a stop to it.

"I'm not a child anymore. This ends with me." He climbed out of the vehicle, Deeks followed.

"Georgi, please." Ava stepped out and held onto his arm, pleading. "Not yet. Wait until it's dark. We will come and fight with you."

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